Basin Energy

Basin Energy: Developing High-Grade Uranium Projects in the Athabasca Basin

Basin Energy houses three projects in the world-class Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan, Canada, which is widely known as the world’s leading source of high-grade uranium, currently accounting for approximately 10 percent of global uranium production. The Company’s projects are in close proximity to high-grade uranium discoveries and mining operations within the basin.

The Company has an interest in three highly prospective properties positioned in the Southeast corner and margins of the Athabasca Basin – North Millennium, Geikie and Marshall.

Basin Energy

Company Highlights

  • Basin Energy is a uranium exploration and development company with three projects in the world-renowned Athabasca Basin in Canada, known for being a consistent top three global uranium producer.
  • The Company is preparing for its IPO on the ASX, with ticker code BSN and expected listing date in early October – the prospectus is currently available for review.
  • Basin Energy’s board, management team and joint venture partner have direct extensive experience in uranium exploration and development along with comprehensive expertise in corporate administration, investment banking and geology.
  • The Company’s highly prospective uranium exploration portfolio comprises:
    • The flagship North Millennium Project - an interpreted extension of the Mother Fault that hosts Cameco’s Millennium Deposit (104.8Mlb U3O8 at 3.76 percent), which is located just 7km to the south;
    • The Geikie Project - located on the eastern margin of the Athabasca Basin occupying an extensive land position of 337km2, showing multiple uranium and uranium pathfinder occurrences and is amenable to rapid exploration and near-term diamond drilling; and
    • The Marshall Project - located west of Cameco’s Millennium deposit featuring a basement geophysical anomaly requiring ground geophysics and drill testing.
  • Post listing, Basin Energy will have strong newsflow with the immediate commencement of field activity, geophysical data processing and target generation work across all three projects, with a maiden drilling campaign targeted at Geikie in Q1-CY2023.
  • The company is highly leveraged to exploration success with a market capitalisation of A$16.2 million at the IPO issue price of A$0.20 per share and strong cash balance of A$9.6 million (enterprise valuation of A$6.6 million) upon listing.
  • Substantial shareholders on listing include CanAlaska Uranium Ltd (TSX V:CVV) (19.9 percent), prominent North American and Asia Pacific resource funds (14.8 percent), and Board, Management & Founders (7.9 percent).
  • Basin Energy is committed to sustainable development throughout its operations, aiming to minimise environmental impact from all stages of the exploration and development cycle.

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