Cette collaboration fait d'ABB le fournisseur privilégié d'équipements de sous-stations électriques modulaires et standards, avec des perspectives supplémentaires en matière de solutions d'automatisation
Structural Monitoring Systems Plc (“SMS” or “the Company”) (ASX: SMN) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (“AEM”), has received full approval from the United States Forest Service (USFS) and Department of the Interior (DOI) for its revolutionary MTP136D Panel-Mount Forest Service Radio. This approval authorises its use in all federally regulated aerial firefighting agency and contractor aircraft across the United States.
Designed specifically to meet the needs of aerial firefighting operators, the MTP136D now fully complies with USFS communications requirements and gains formal acceptance into the approved equipment list for all its aerial firefighting contractors across all jurisdictions.
Initially launched in late 2023 with Canadian launch customer Yellowhead Helicopters, AEM subsequently achieved a Transport Canada Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for the installation of the MTP136D on all Airbus H125 aircraft, which sparked the radio’s initial push into the Canadian market – seeing operators and provincial agencies adopting the MTP136D in significant quantities.
With the USFS acknowledgement and approval, the radio can now access its full addressable market of more than 3,000 applicable aircraft fit to be upgraded to the MTP136D from existing legacy technology.
AEM Sales and Marketing Director Mr Tony Weller commented:
“This is a big day for aerial firefighting across North America and for our Company.
“With the radio already in use in Canada and by some U.S. state-led cooperator firefighting agencies, the USFS approval now unlocks the ability for all U.S. federal agencies and contractors on the front lines battling intense and devastating wildfires to have the most up-to-date radio technology at their fingertips.”
Mr Weller said with the stamp of approval by the USFS, the team at AEM is rapidly working to assist U.S. agencies, operators and contractors to complete their aircraft fleet conversions.
SMS Chairman and CEO Ross Love commented:
“This is a pivotal milestone and a testament to the outstanding work of the AEM team.
“USFS approval not only unlocks the largest market for this essential radio technology but also highlights the strength and value of AEM’s intellectual property. This success underscores our commitment to expanding product development and manufacturing capacity in avionics, particularly in high-value areas such as digital audio, radio, and loudspeakers.”
Mr Love further noted that this approval is expected to drive substantial growth for the MTP136D in 2025.
“We are in advanced negotiations with CalFire for a major contract that will see its fleet equipped with our radio technology.
“CalFire’s crucial role in responding to recent wildfires in Los Angeles has further emphasised the importance of special mission products such as ours and we are very proud of being a small part of their heroic firefighting efforts,” he added.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Structural Monitoring Systems, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
Cette collaboration fait d'ABB le fournisseur privilégié d'équipements de sous-stations électriques modulaires et standards, avec des perspectives supplémentaires en matière de solutions d'automatisation
L'entente permettra à Charbone de faire progresser la production d'hydrogène vert au Canada et aux États-Unis
L'entente soutient la feuille de route énergétique 2030 du gouvernement du Québec visant à réduire la consommation de produits pétroliers d'un milliard de litres par année
Brossard, Québec TheNewswire - le 13 mars 2025 - CORPORATION CHARBONE HYDROGÈNE (TSXV: CH OTCQB: CHHYF, FSE: K47 ) (« Charbone » ou la « Société »), la seule société cotée en bourse spécialisée dans l'hydrogène vert en Amérique du Nord, est ravi d'annoncer la signature d'un protocole d'entente( « MOU » ) avec ABB pour collaborer au développement pouvant aller jusqu' à 15 usines de production d'hydrogène vert modulaires et évolutives en Amérique du Nord au cours des cinq prochaines années, fournissant une source de carburant propre aux utilisateurs d'hydrogène existants et aux processus industriels lourds tels que la fabrication de l'acier, qui utilisent actuellement l'hydrogène gris comme source d'énergie.
Le MOU positionne ABB comme fournisseur privilégié pour la conception, l'ingénierie, la fabrication, les tests et la fourniture de sous-stations électriques modulaires et standards (eHouses) pour l'interconnexion entre les usines de production et les services publics locaux. ABB soutiendra Charbone dans la normalisation de l'ingénierie de base des systèmes et des composants de son portefeuille de projets, afin d'accroître l'efficacité énergétique et la fiabilité. La portée des services positionne également ABB pour opérer en tant que principal entrepreneur en automatisation, électrification et télécommunications en fonction des exigences des projets .
Parmi les sites visés par cette collaboration, figure l'usine phare de Charbone à Sorel-Tracy, près de Montréal, au Québec, Canada. L'usine devrait être raccordée au réseau d'Hydro-Québec d'ici la fin du deuxième trimestre de 2025, et utiliser l'hydroélectricité pour alimenter des électrolyseurs produisant l'hydrogène vert. L'usine servira de modèle pour la conception et l'ingénierie d'équipements modulaires et évolutifs pour d'autres sites développés par Charbone. Le prochain projet à démarrer se situera dans la grande région de Détroit, aux États-Unis, qui est le berceau de la fabrication des principales entreprises automobiles.
" Cette collaboration stratégique avec ABB est un signal fort et significatif concernant notre proposition pour le marché nord-américain de l'hydrogène vert ," a déclaré Daniel Charette, Chef de l'exploitation chez Charbone. " Avec le projet de Sorel-Tracy évoluant rapidement vers des activités sur le site et des capacités avec une approche modulaire de type ‘plug and play' pour démarrer la production en un nombre minimal de semaines, Charbone soutiendra la décarbonisation de l'industrie . "
Le gouvernement du Québec a élaboré une stratégie locale en matière d'hydrogène vert et de bioénergie pour soutenir le déploiement de l'hydrogène et de la bioénergie pour alimenter des secteurs industriels comme le transport, les métaux primaires et les produits chimiques. Elle identifie l'hydrogène vert et la bioénergie comme ayant le potentiel de réduire la consommation de produits pétroliers du Québec de près d'un milliard de litres par année d'ici 2030. Cela pourrait réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de la région de quatre mégatonnes de dioxyde de carbone par année, soit l'équivalent du retrait de 1,2 million de véhicules à essence des routes.
" L'hydrogène vert a un rôle important à jouer dans la transition vers un avenir énergétique à faible émission de carbone ," a dit Per Erik Holsten, Président chez ABB Énergies Industrielles. " Nous sommes fiers de collaborer avec Charbone sur sa stratégie de développement et de croissance d'installations de production d'hydrogène vert à travers l'Amérique du Nord, permettant à un secteur important de se développer et aidant les industries à devenir plus économes et plus propres . "
En plus du MOU, Charbone fera l'acquisition du système ‘Extended Operator Workplace (EOW)' d'ABB pour toutes les usines prévues et d'un poste de travail d'opérateur principal pour surveiller toutes ses installations en Amérique du Nord depuis le siège social de Charbone. Les EOW – les premiers à être installés dans des usines de production d'hydrogène vert en Amérique du Nord – amélioreront la productivité et réduiront les temps d'arrêts grâce à une surveillance 24 heures sur 24 et ce 7 jours sur 7 depuis des centres de contrôle locaux et à distance.
La demande mondiale d'hydrogène, largement concentrée dans les secteurs du raffinage et de la chimie, a atteint 97 mégatonnes (Mt) en 2023, soit une augmentation de 2,5 % par rapport à l'année précédente. La production d'hydrogène à faibles émissions était inférieure à 1 Mt, mais elle pourrait atteindre 49 Mtpa d'ici 2030 selon les projets annoncés.
À propos de Charbone Hydrogène Corporation
Charbone est une compagnie intégrée de production d'hydrogène vert axé sur la création d'un réseau nord-américain d'usines de production. En utilisant des énergies renouvelables, Charbone produit du dihydrogène (H2) respectueux de l'environnement pour les utilisateurs industriels, institutionnels, commerciaux et de la mobilité future. Charbone est présentement la seule société d'Amérique du Nord cotée en bourse spécialisée dans l'hydrogène vert avec ses actions listées sur la Bourse de croissance TSX (TSXV: CH); les marchés OTC (OTCQB: CHHYF); et la Bourse de Francfort (FSE: K47). Pour plus d'informations sur CHARBONE Hydrogen et ses projets, veuillez visiter www.charbone.com .
À propos de ABB
ABB est un leader technologique mondial dans le domaine de l'électrification et de l'automatisation, contribuant à un avenir plus durable et plus économe en ressources. En combinant son expertise en ingénierie et en numérisation, ABB aide les industries à atteindre des performances élevées, tout en devenant plus efficaces, plus productives et plus durables afin qu'elles surpassent leurs concurrents. Chez ABB, nous appelons cela « Conçu pour distancer ». L'entreprise a plus de 140 ans d'histoire et environ 110 000 employés dans le monde. Les actions d'ABB sont cotées à la SIX Swiss Exchange (ABBN) et au Nasdaq Stockholm (ABB). www.abb.com .
Énoncés prospectifs
Le présent communiqué de presse contient des énoncés qui constituent de « l'information prospective » au sens des lois canadiennes sur les valeurs mobilières (« déclarations prospectives »). Ces déclarations prospectives sont souvent identifiées par des mots tels que « a l'intention », « anticipe », « s'attend à », « croit », « planifie », « probable », ou des mots similaires. Les déclarations prospectives reflètent les attentes, estimations ou projections respectives de la direction de Charbone concernant les résultats ou événements futurs, sur la base des opinions, hypothèses et estimations considérées comme raisonnables par la direction à la date à laquelle les déclarations sont faites. Bien que Charbone estime que les attentes exprimées dans les déclarations prospectives sont raisonnables, les déclarations prospectives comportent des risques et des incertitudes, et il ne faut pas se fier indûment aux déclarations prospectives, car des facteurs inconnus ou imprévisibles pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats réels soient sensiblement différents de ceux exprimés dans les déclarations prospectives. Des risques et des incertitudes liés aux activités de Charbone peuvent avoir une incidence sur les déclarations prospectives. Ces risques, incertitudes et hypothèses comprennent, sans s'y limiter, ceux décrits à la rubrique « Facteurs de risque » dans la déclaration de changement à l'inscription de la Société datée du 31 mars 2022, qui peut être consultée sur SEDAR à l'adresse www.sedar.com; ils pourraient faire en sorte que les événements ou les résultats réels diffèrent sensiblement de ceux prévus dans les déclarations prospectives.
Sauf si les lois sur les valeurs mobilières applicables l'exigent, Charbone ne s'engage pas à mettre à jour ni à réviser les déclarations prospectives.
Ni la Bourse de croissance TSX ni son fournisseur de services de réglementation (tel que ce terme est défini dans les politiques de la Bourse de croissance TSX) n'acceptent de responsabilité quant à la pertinence ou à l'exactitude du présent communiqué.
Pour contacter Corporation Charbone Hydrogène :
Téléphone bureau: +1 450 678 7171 | ||
Courriel: ir@charbone.com |
Copyright (c) 2025 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.
News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia
Collaboration sets ABB as preferred supplier of modular and standard electrical substations, with future scope for automation solutions
Agreement will enable Charbone to progress green hydrogen production in both Canada and the United States
Supports the Québec government's 2030 energy roadmap to reduce consumption of petroleum products by one billion liters per year
Brossard, Quebec TheNewswire - March 13, 2025 Charbone Hydrogen Corporation (TSXV: CH; OTCQB: CHHYF; FSE: K47) (the "Company" or "CHARBONE"), North America's only publicly traded pure-play green hydrogen company, is thrilled to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement with ABB to collaborate on the development of up to 15 modular and scalable green hydrogen production facilities across North America over the next five years, providing a clean fuel source for existing hydrogen users and heavy industrial processes such as steelmaking, which currently use grey hydrogen as an energy source.
The MoU scope positions ABB as the preferred supplier for the design, engineering, fabrication, testing and supply of modular and standard electrical substations (eHouses) for the interconnection between production facilities and local utilities. ABB will support CHARBONE standardizing basic engineering for systems and components across its project portfolio, to increase energy efficiency and reliability. Future scope may also see ABB operate as the main automation, electrification and telecom contractor depending on project requirements .
Among the sites covered by the collaboration is CHARBONE's flagship Sorel-Tracy facility near Montreal in Québec, Canada. The facility is expected to be connected to the Hydro-Québec grid by the end of quarter two in 2025, using hydro electricity to power green hydrogen electrolyzers. The plant will create a blueprint for the design and engineering of modular and scalable equipment for other sites being developed by Charbone. The next project to get underway will be in the greater Detroit area in the USA, which is the manufacturing base for major automotive companies.
" This strategic collaboration with ABB is a strong and significant signal about our proposition for the North American green hydrogen market , " said Daniel Charette, Chief Operating Officer of CHARBONE . " With the Sorel-Tracy project moving quickly to on-site activities and the capabilities of plug and play modular approach to get production starting in a minimal number of weeks, Charbone will support the decarbonization of industry. "
Government du Québec has developed a localized Green Hydrogen and Bioenergy Strategy to support the deployment of hydrogen and bioenergy to power industrial sectors such as transportation, primary metals and chemicals. It identifies green hydrogen and bioenergy as having the potential to reduce Québec's consumption of petroleum products by nearly one billion liters a year by 2030. This could cut the region's greenhouse gas emissions by four megatons of carbon dioxide a year – the equivalent of removing 1.2 million gasoline-powered vehicles from the roads .
" Green hydrogen has an important role to play in the transition towards a low carbon energy future , " said Per Erik Holsten, President of ABB Energy Industries . " We are proud to collaborate with Charbone on its strategy to develop and grow green hydrogen production facilities across North America, enabling an important sector to scale and supporting industries to outrun leaner and cleaner. "
In addition to the MoU, Charbone will acquire ABB's Extended Operator Workplace (EOW) system for all the planned facilities and a main operator workplace to monitor all the facilities in North America from CHARBONE's headquarters. The EOWs – the first to be installed in green hydrogen production plants in North America – will enhance production and reduce downtime via 24/7 monitoring from local and remote-control centers.
Global hydrogen demand, largely concentrated in the refining and chemical sectors, reached 97 megatons (Mt) in 2023, representing an increase of 2.5 percent year on year. Low-emissions hydrogen production was less than 1 Mt, but it could reach 49 Mtpa by 2030 based on announced projects.
About Charbone Hydrogen Corporation
CHARBONE is an integrated green hydrogen company focused on creating a network of modular green hydrogen production facilities across North America. Using renewable energy, CHARBONE produces eco-friendly dihydrogen (H2) for industrial, institutional, commercial, and future mobility users. CHARBONE is currently the only publicly traded pure-play green hydrogen company, with shares listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV: CH); the OTC Markets (OTCQB: CHHYF); and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE: K47). For more information on Charbone Hydrogen and its projects, please visit www.charbone.com .
About ABB
ABB is a global technology leader in electrification and automation, enabling a more sustainable and resource-efficient future. By connecting its engineering and digitalization expertise, ABB helps industries run at high performance, while becoming more efficient, productive and sustainable so they outperform. At ABB, we call this ‘Engineered to Outrun'. The company has over 140 years of history and around 110,000 employees worldwide. ABB's shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (ABBN) and Nasdaq Stockholm (ABB). www.abb.com .
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains statements that are "forward-looking information" as defined under Canadian securities laws ("forward-looking statements"). These forward-looking statements are often identified by words such as "intends", "anticipates", "expects", "believes", "plans", "likely", or similar words. The forward-looking statements reflect management's expectations, estimates, or projections concerning future results or events, based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates considered reasonable by management at the date the statements are made. Although Charbone believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, and undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements, as unknown or unpredictable factors could cause actual results to be materially different from those reflected in the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements may be affected by risks and uncertainties in the business of Charbone. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions include, but are not limited to, those described under "Risk Factors" in the Corporation's Filing Statement dated March 31, 2022, which is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com; they could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements.
Except as required under applicable securities legislation, Charbone undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release .
Contact Charbone Hydrogen Corporation | ||||
Telephone: +1 450 678 7171 | ||||
Email: ir@charbone.com | ||||
Copyright (c) 2025 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.
News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia
Edmonton, Alberta March 12, 2025 TheNewswire Bitcoin Well Inc. (" Bitcoin Well " or the " Company ") ( TSXV: BTCW; OTCQB: BCNWF ), the non-custodial bitcoin business on a mission to enable independence, today announced financial and operating results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2024.
Revenue of $30.1 million for the 3-months ended December 31, 2024 (Q4 2023: $13.6 million, +121%); and $90.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2024 (2023: $54.5 million, +66%)
Revenue growth driven by continuing significant growth on the Bitcoin Portal (Bitcoin Portal revenue +361% in Q4 2024 and +201% full year).
Unique registrations grew by more than 5,000 in Q4 to a total of over 32,000 as of December 31, 2024 (representing growth of 28% from September 30, 2024 and 191% from December 31, 2023).
As of March 1, 2025 the Company has over 37,000 unique registrations
Financial overview
For the three months ended, | For the year ended, | |||||||
Dec 31, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 | Dec 31, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 | |||||
Revenue | $ 30,059,063 | $ 13,590,048 | $ 90,513,400 | $ 54,531,838 | ||||
Gross Profit | 1,220,390 | 1,427,803 | 3,970,608 | 4,826,169 | ||||
Adjusted EBITDA (1) | 25,673 | 177,360 | (1,655,890) | (440,794) | ||||
Adjusted Cash Flow (1) | (154,672) | (138,489) | (2,598,072) | (2,102,581) | ||||
Total comprehensive loss | (2,477,571) | (1,264,707) | (7,110,154) | (5,303,177) |
(1) See Non-IFRS Measures.
The Company's overall revenue in the fourth quarter of 2024 showed a substantial 121% increase, reaching $30.1 million compared to $13.6 million in Q4 2023. This growth was primarily driven by increased transaction volumes on the Bitcoin Portal, including from Bitcoin Well Infinite - which provides large bitcoin transactions to high net worth individuals.
The Company also debuted Bitcoin Well Infinite in the USA through a strategic partnership in Q4. Volume in the USA through the first couple months exceeded $3,000,000 and is expected to grow in Q1 2025. Both the Bitcoin Portal and Bitcoin Well Infinite have a lower gross profit margin than the Bitcoin ATMs, but are more scalable and cost less to expand making them the optimal growth business unit.
"I am happy to report these revenue numbers!" said Bitcoin Well Founder and CEO Adam O'Brien, "I am more certain of the Bitcoin Portal's product-market fit than ever before. The addition of Bitcoin Well Infinite offering large bitcoin transactions directly to self custody looks like a recipe for success and we are excited to continue growing this service line. I'm confident our increased scale will outpace the costs of growth soon."
Gross profit decreased to $1.2 million in Q4 2024 from $1.4 million last year due to a lower overall gross margin. This was primarily caused by a shift in sales mix, with lower margin online transactions now representing a larger share compared to high margin Bitcoin ATM sales. The Company views this shift as a necessary step in the successful transition to a highly scalable online bitcoin platform.
During Q4 2024, the Company's online segment's gross margin increased to 1.7%, from 1.3% in Q4 2023, +30% improvement
This news release should be read in concert with the full disclosure documents. The Bitcoin W ell consolidated financial statements and Management Discussion & Analysis for the years ended December 31, 2024 and 2023 ("MD&A") will be available on the Bitcoin Well website ( www.bitcoinwell.com ), via SEDAR+ ( www.sedarplus.ca ) or can be requested from the Company.
The Company uses certain terms in this news release, such as ‘Adjusted EBITDA' and ‘Adjusted Cash Flow', which do not have a standardized or prescribed meaning under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and accordingly, these measurements may not be comparable with the calculation of similar measurements used by other companies.
Please refer to the "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" section in the Company's MD&A for applicable definitions, calculations, and rationale for use. Non-IFRS measures are provided as supplementary information by which readers may wish to consider the Company's performance, but should not be relied upon for comparative or investment purposes.
See the table below for a reconciliation of each non-IFRS measure to its nearest IFRS measure:
Three months ended | Year ended | |||||||
Dec 31, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 | Dec 31, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 | |||||
Net loss | $ | (9,828,152) | $ | (5,204,590) | $ | (17,777,117) | $ | (12,024,324) |
Financing fees | 612,264 | 683,513 | 2,567,439 | 2,285,183 | ||||
Depreciation and accretion | 97,127 | 297,084 | 651,902 | 1,416,882 | ||||
Fair value change - crypto loans (1) | 8,100,878 | 4,328,718 | 13,974,453 | 7,421,089 | ||||
Fair value change - investments | - | 337,635 | - | 337,635 | ||||
Share based compensation | 142,024 | (19,633) | 467,952 | 483,430 | ||||
Foreign exchange loss (gain) | 492,913 | (8,568) | 599,760 | 9,846 | ||||
Loss (gain) on debt settlement | 937 | 10,779 | (19,063) | 14,703 | ||||
Loss (gain) on disposal of equipment | 609 | - | (481) | 7,991 | ||||
Fair value change - crypto inventory (1) | (488,006) | - | (784,679) | (12,401) | ||||
Fair value change - convertible debt | 1,194,636 | - | 1,194,636 | - | ||||
Realized gain on digital assets (1) | (299,557) | (247,578) | (2,530,692) | (622,535) | ||||
Income tax expense | - | - | - | 241,707 | ||||
Adjusted EBITDA | $ | 25,673 | $ | 177,360 | $ | (1,655,890) | $ | (440,794) |
Less: financing fees | (612,264) | (683,513) | (2,567,439) | (2,285,183) | ||||
Add: non-cash interest items (2) | 431,919 | 367,664 | 1,625,257 | 623,396 | ||||
Adjusted Cash Flow | $ | (154,672) | $ | (138,489) | $ | (2,598,072) | $ | (2,102,581) |
(1) Non-cash, fair value change on the revaluation of cryptocurrency loans is largely offset by revaluation changes in inventory and gains (losses) on digital assets, which are recorded in both income (if realized) and other comprehensive Income (if unrealized).
(2) Non-cash interest items include interest on cryptocurrency loans that were settled in common shares or are intended to be settled in common shares as well as non-cash interest on the line of credit where the accrued interest is added to the principal balance of the loan.
About Bitcoin Well
Bitcoin Well is on a mission to enable independence. We do this by making bitcoin useful to everyday people to give them the convenience of modern banking and the benefits of bitcoin. We like to think of it as future-proofing money. Our existing Bitcoin ATM and Online Bitcoin Portal business units drive cash flow to help fund this mission.
Join our investor community and follow us on Nostr , , and to keep up to date with our business.
Bitcoin Well contact information
To book a virtual meeting with our Founder & CEO Adam O'Brien please use the following link: https://bitcoinwell.com/meet-adam
For additional investor & media information, please contact:
Adam O'Brien
Tel: 1 888 711 3866
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release .
Forward-looking information
Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "anticipate", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "intend", "should", or the negative thereof and similar expressions. All statements herein other than statements of historical fact constitute forward-looking information including, but not limited to statements in respect of: revenue growth from the Bitcoin Portal in 2025; improving gross margins from the Online Segment; and Bitcoin Well's business plans, strategy and outlook.
Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information, including, but not limited to the following: economic and financial conditions, volatility in the capital or credit markets; the level of demand and financial performance of the cryptocurrency and digital asset industry, the occurrence of force majeure events; the extent to which the Company is successful in gaining new long-term users or retaining existing users; developments and changes in laws and regulations, disruptions to the Company's technology network; inability to obtain financing; competitive factors; and such other factors as discussed in the "Risks and Uncertainties" section of the Company's MD&A.
Bitcoin Well actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in this forward-looking information as a result of the foregoing risk factors and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Bitcoin Well.
Bitcoin Well believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking information are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking information should not be unduly relied upon. Any forward-looking information contained in this news release represents Bitcoin Well expectations as of the date hereof, and is subject to change after such date. Bitcoin Well disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities legislation.
For more information, see the Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements found in the Bitcoin Well MD&A.
Copyright (c) 2025 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.
News Provided by TheNewsWire via QuoteMedia
Hempalta Corp. (TSXV: HEMP) ("Hempalta" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that pursuant to its press release dated March 3, 2025 (the "Initial Release"), it has received approval from the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") for the previously announced $325,000 term loans (the "Loan").
The Loan, as disclosed in the Initial Release, was advanced by insiders and major shareholders Darren Bondar and Prairie Merchant Corporation (the "Lenders"). The Loan bears an interest rate of 12% per annum and is secured against certain assets of the Company. The Loan is repayable on the earlier of: (i) one year from the date of issuance; (ii) the successful marketing and sale of the Company's turnkey hemp production facility and processing equipment, or (iii) a financing to the Company of gross proceeds over $1MM. This Loan provides additional working capital to support Hempalta's strategic focus on scaling its industrial hemp carbon credit platform through the Hemp Carbon Standard.
In connection with the Loan, Hempalta has issued an aggregate of 5,416,667 common share purchase warrants (the "Warrants") to the Lenders. Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share of the Company at an exercise price of $0.06 per share for a period of one year from the date of issuance. The Warrants are subject to a statutory four-month and one-day hold period, in accordance with applicable securities laws and the policies of the TSXV.
As the Lenders are insiders of the Company, the issuance of the Warrants constitutes a "related party transaction" within the meaning of TSXV Policy 5.9 and Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). The Company relied on exemptions from the valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 contained in Sections 5.5(b) and 5.7(1)(b) of MI 61-101 in respect of the Lenders' participation.
"We are grateful for the continued support from our major shareholders," said Darren Bondar, CEO of Hempalta. "This financing strengthens our ability to execute our strategic focus on the rapidly expanding voluntary carbon market, leveraging industrial hemp's potential for high-integrity carbon sequestration."
For more information on Hempalta and its initiatives, visit www.hempalta.com.
About Hempalta
Hempalta Corp. (TSXV: HEMP) is a nature-based carbon credit provider utilizing industrial hemp's potential to sequester carbon. Through its subsidiary Hemp Carbon Standard Inc. (HCS), the Company develops methodologies and supports farmers in monetizing regenerative farming practices. In addition to HCS, through its subsidiary Hempalta Processing Inc., the Company retains its established hemp-based product lines for licensing, supporting a balanced portfolio that addresses modern sustainability needs.
Learn more at www.hempalta.com or contact Investor Relations at invest@hempalta.com.
For more information, please contact:
Investor Relations
Hempalta Corp.
Email: info@hempalta.com
Website: www.hempalta.com
Hempalta Corp.
1560 Hastings Crescent SE, Calgary, AB T2G 4E1
Web: https://www.hempalta.com/
Sales or partner opportunities:
Cecil Horwitz
Business Development
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.
Forward-Looking Information
This news release contains statements and information that, to the extent that they are not historical fact, may constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information is typically, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "will," "expected," "plans," "enable," "positions," "aim," and similar words, including negatives thereof, or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts.
Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, statements regarding: the anticipated benefits of the Loan; the expected impact of the Loan on the Company's business strategy; the Company's ability to execute its carbon credit initiatives; the marketing of the turnkey hemp production facility and equipment; the demand for carbon credits increasing; the ability of the Company to successfully scale the Hemp Carbon Standard platform; any future financing of the Company; and the Company's future business development activities.
Such forward-looking information is based on various assumptions and factors that may prove to be incorrect, including, but not limited to, assumptions regarding: the ability of the Company to successfully deploy the Loan proceeds in a manner that drives growth; the expected benefits of the Hemp Carbon Standard platform; the ability of the Company to maintain access to capital markets and financing sources; demand for carbon credits in the voluntary market; the sale of the hemp production facility and equipment; required regulatory approvals; and the ability of Hempalta to successfully execute its strategic plans.
Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information, because the Company can give no assurance that it will prove to be correct or that any of the events anticipated by such forward-looking information will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits the Company will derive therefrom.
Actual results may vary from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks, including, but not limited to: General economic conditions and conditions in the capital markets; Regulatory risks relating to approvals required by securities regulators or other governing bodies; Risks associated with debt financing, including repayment obligations; Market risks affecting the voluntary carbon credit market and demand for nature-based carbon credits; Market risks affecting the potential sale of the production facility and equipment; Operational risks, including the ability to successfully implement the Hemp Carbon Standard at scale; Risks associated with future financings and the terms available for such financings; Weather and environmental factors affecting the ability of farms to grow industrial hemp; Risks related to insider participation in the Loan financing, including potential conflicts of interest; Other risks detailed in the Company's continuous disclosure filings available on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca.
The forward-looking information included in this news release is made as of the date of this news release, and the Company does not undertake an obligation to publicly update such forward-looking information to reflect new information, subsequent events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.
To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/243951
News Provided by Newsfile via QuoteMedia
Bitcoin Well Inc. (TSXV: BTCW) (OTCQB: BCNWF) ("Bitcoin Well" or the "Company"), the non-custodial bitcoin business on a mission to enable independence, is pleased to announce that it has obtained a receipt for its final short form base shelf prospectus (the "Shelf Prospectus") filed with the securities commissions in each of the provinces and territories of Canada.
The filing of a Shelf Prospectus is intended to provide the Company with financing flexibility. Under the Shelf Prospectus, the Company may issue and sell up to C$25,000,000 of common shares, preferred shares, warrants, subscription receipts, units, debt securities, or any combination thereof, from time to time over the 25-month period that the Shelf Prospectus remains effective. The specific terms of any actual offering of securities (if any) will be set forth in one or more shelf prospectus supplement(s) to the Shelf Prospectus, which will be filed with the applicable Canadian securities regulatory authorities in connection with any such offering.
Each prospectus supplement will contain specific information concerning, among other matters, the securities to be issued and the use of proceeds from any such issuance. There is no certainty that any securities will be offered or sold under the Shelf Prospectus. A copy of the Shelf Prospectus and any shelf prospectus supplements that may be filed in the future, can be found under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at www.sedarplus.ca.
The securities being referred to in this news release have not been, nor will they be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"), and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.
About Bitcoin Well
Bitcoin Well is on a mission to enable independence. We do this by making bitcoin useful to everyday people to give them the convenience of modern banking and the benefits of bitcoin. We like to think of it as future-proofing money. Our existing Bitcoin ATM and Online Bitcoin Portal business units drive cash flow to help fund this mission.
Join our investor community and follow us on Nostr, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube to keep up to date with our business.
Bitcoin Well contact information
To book a virtual meeting with our Founder & CEO Adam O'Brien please use the following link: https://bitcoinwell.com/meet-adam.
For additional investor & media information, please contact:
Adam O'Brien
Tel: 1 888 711 3866
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Forward-looking information
Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute forward-looking information, which is often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "anticipate", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "intend", "should", or the negative thereof and similar expressions. All statements herein other than statements of historical fact constitute forward-looking information including, but not limited to, statements in respect of Bitcoin Well's business plans, strategy and outlook. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information including, but not limited to, the risk factors described in Bitcoin Well's annual information form and management's discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023. Forward-looking information should not be unduly relied upon. Any forward-looking information contained in this news release represents Bitcoin Well's expectations as of the date hereof and is subject to change. Bitcoin Well disclaims any intention or obligation to revise any forward-looking information, except as required by applicable securities legislation.
To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/243788
News Provided by Newsfile via QuoteMedia
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