Bryah Resources

Windalah Copper – Gold Prospect Diamond Drilling Results

Bryah Resources Limited (ASX: BYH, “Bryah” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that it has received results from its diamond drilling programme at the Bryah Basin Windalah copper-gold project. Bryah was granted $140,000 under the Western Australian Government’s EIS (Exploration Incentive Scheme) to test the Windalah VMS target.


  • Results received for 717m diamond drilling program completed in late 2022.
  • Best results include:
    • 2m @ 3.88 g/t Au from 437m in BBRD072
    • 1m @ 0.35% Cu from 429m in BBRD072
  • Targeting Cu-Au VMS mineralisation at 300m and 500m depth
  • Deep VMS targets are a product of multiple lines of strong geological evidence.
  • Downhole electromagnetic surveys to test for off-hole conductors anticipated to commence in H2 2023.
  • WA State Government EIS Co-funding for $140,0001

Commenting on the announcement Bryah CEO Ashley Jones said:

We have again strong indications of copper in the system, especially with secondary copper mineralisation observed in the core. These deep holes now are the focus for the down hole electromagnetic (DHEM) surveys. The DHEM can identify conductors, which will show any copper mineralisation withing the vicinity. Depending on the orientation, the DHEM will search up to 150m radius around the holes. This will cover a lot of the prospective area. Any sign of a conductor will establish new drill targets.”

Figure 1 Bryah Basin Tenements and Regional Geology Map.

Windalah Diamond Drilling

During this EIS co-funded drilling programme, Bryah completed 1261m of drilling, including 544m of precollars, and 717m of NQ2 diamond core tails. These holes were drilled to test a steeply plunging target window targeting Cu-Au VMS mineralisation at ~300 and ~500m depth. These drillholes intersected substantial thickness of strongly silica-sericite-pyrite altered volcanic rocks similar to those observed in shallower holes, in the footwall to sulphide mineralisation. This is interpreted to be the lateral equivalent of the ‘ore stratigraphic horizon’ at Horseshoe Lights.

With previous drilling campaigns, Bryah has recognised the significance of the Windalah project through technical analysis which shows:

  • High tenor geochemical anomaly in surface sampling and drilling results
  • Up to 5.45m of massive, laminated sulphides interpreted as sedimentary exhalative in origin
  • Up to 140m of sulphide stringers observed in diamond core interpreted as VMS style stringers within a silica-sericite-chlorite-pyrite altered feeder structure2
  • Evidence of syn-volcanic faulting and stratigraphic asymmetry – common in VMS mineralisation systems.
  • Secondary copper minerals including Bornite, Chalcopyrite and Malachite observed.
  • Structural intersection of syn-VMS veins and stratigraphy indicate plunging target orientation.
  • The Narracoota Formation is host to other major copper deposits including DeGrussa, and Horseshoe Lights.Evidence of VMS mineralisation also identified at the near-by Olympus prospect.3

VMS systems in the Bryah Basin are known to host high-grade copper-gold deposits such as Sandfire’s DeGrussa and Monty mines and the historical Horseshoe Lights mine, located 13 kilometres to the north of Bryah’s Windalah Prospect. The exploration target at Windalah occupies the same stratigraphic position as the Horseshoe Lights deposit.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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