
Brixton Metals


Developers of Four Wholly-Owned High-Potential Exploration Projects

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Brixton Metals Corporation (TSXV:BBB) is a precious metals exploration and development company focused on advancing its wholly-owned projects toward mine development. The company was listed in December of 2010 and now wholly-owns four goldsilvercopper assets in mine-friendly jurisdictions across North America, including the Atlin and Thorn projects in British Columbia, the Langis-Hudson Bay projects in Ontario and the Hog Heaven project in Montana. The company is currently seeking JV partners for one of its projects.

Brixton Metals, as of Q1 2020, now has over $5.5 million in cash to further advance its properties. The company is backed by a number of industry investors, including Eric Sprott, Rob McEwen, US Global, Gold 2000, Pan American Silver (TSX:PAAS,NASDAQ:PAAS) and Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL).

Brixton Metals’ Company Highlights

  • An experienced management team with a proven track record of building companies.
  • Well-positioned for a sector recovery with four high impact gold-silver and base metal projects in stable jurisdictions.
  • Drilling at the Atlin Goldfields project returned up to 5.57m of 509.96 g/t gold. The Yellowjacket target hosts a non-NI-43-101 compliant estimate of 453,500t at 10.26 g/t gold
  • Drilling at the Thorn gold-copper-silver project in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, Canada returned up to 95 meters of 1.71 g/t gold, 628 g/t silver from surface and 554 meters of 2 g/t gold equivalent from 100 meters depth. In 2019 two new porphyrys were discovered.
  • Drilling at the Langis-Hudson Bay silver-cobalt project in Ontario returned 6.00 meters of 4,719.33 g/t silver and 0.33 percent cobalt.
  • Historic drilling at the Hog Heaven project returned 12 meters of 6 g/t gold, 1,088 g/t silver, 6.5 percent copper. The Hog Heaven hosts a non-NI-43-101 compliant estimate of 47Moz silver and 0.23Moz gold. Hog Heaven is a near term development opportunity.
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