April 11, 2023
Heavy Rare Earths Limited (“HRE” or “the Company”) is pleased to report assays from another 57 air core holes from its recently completed 441-hole rare earth exploration and resource expansion drilling program at its 100 per cent-owned Cowalinya project in the Norseman-Esperance region of Western Australia.
- Drilling in the newly discovered Western Zone at Cowalinya includes high grade intercepts of up to 4839 ppm TREO
- 159 mineralised intercepts have been drilled in the Western Zone, covering approximately 13km2 and confirming the potential to host a material increase in rare earths resources
- These results add to previously announced thick, high-grade results – 42 metres @ 790 ppm TREO in AC226 and 19 metres @ 3190 ppm TREO in AC225
- Process to upgrade current Inferred Resource of 28 Mt @ 625 ppm TREO to commence on receipt of assays from another 36 holes
Significant new drill intersections include:
- 26 metres @ 1201 ppm TREO (22.5% magnet REOs) from 19 metres (AC360)
- including 8 metres @ 3057 ppm TREO from 27 metres
- 14 metres @ 1164 ppm TREO (31.6% magnet REOs) from 16 metres (AC359)
- including 2 metres @ 4839 ppm TREO from 16 metres
- 14 metres @ 1060 ppm TREO (24.2% magnet REOs) from 28 metres (AC356)
- including 4 metres @ 2360 ppm TREO from 30 metres
- 7 metres @ 1173 ppm TREO (22.0% magnet REOs) from 20 metres (AC511)
- 10 metres @ 1169 ppm TREO (26.6% magnet REOs) from 19 metres (AC354)
- 11 metres @ 948 ppm TREO (22.9% magnet REOs) from 19 metres (AC540)
These assays include a number of high grade and/or thick rare earth intercepts in the project’s newly-discovered Western Zone (Figures 1 and 2). The drilled extent of this sizeable zone measures approximately 5 x 3 kilometres with mineralisation remaining open to the north and northwest. Assays from only one hole (AC227) in the Western Zone remain to be reported. AC227 lies alongside holes AC226 and AC225 where the project’s thickest (42 metres @ 790 ppm TREO in AC226) and amongst its highest-grade (19 metres @ 3190 ppm TREO in AC225) intercepts have previously been reported (refer to ASX announcement 1 March 2023).
Figure 1: HRE’s Cowalinya project tenements showing assay reporting status and the locations of the Cowalinya North and South deposits, and the new Western Zone.Background image: Landgate digital elevation model.
Figures 3 and 4 show northwest-southeast and north-south oriented cross sections through the Western Zone and Cowalinya North deposit. The locations of these cross sections are shown in Figure 2. For completeness, east-west cross sections through the Western Zone and Cowalinya South deposits were presented in previous announcements (refer to Figures 2 and 3 in ASX announcement 1 March 2023; Figure 2 in ASX announcement 29 March 2023).
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from Heavy Rare Earths, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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