April 30, 2023
Heavy Rare Earths Limited (ASX: HRE) is an Australian rare earth exploration and development company. HRE’s key exploration project is Cowalinya, near Norseman in Western Australia. This is a clay-hosted rare earth project with an Inferred Resource of 28 Mt @ 625 ppm TREO and a desirable rare earth composition where 25% are the valuable magnet rare earths and 23% the strategic heavy rare earths.
- High-grade assays up to 5192 ppm TREO intersected in three new areas
- Areas defined by intersections of shallow, thick and/or high-grade rare earths in holes drilled 400 metres apart
- Potential for 14-kilometre strike extension to newly-discovered Western Zone of mineralisation
- Highly encouraging assays reported in holes near HRE’s recently acquired tenements E63/2144 and E63/2145
- Resource consultant engaged to update existing Mineral Resources and estimate an Exploration Target for the project. Delivery anticipated in Q3 2023.
Significant new drill intersections include:
- 12 metres @ 1690 ppm TREO (22.7% magnet REOs) from 16 metres (AC487)
- including 2 metres @ 5192 ppm TREO from 20 metres
- 7 metres @ 1303 ppm TREO (23.7% magnet REOs) from 7 metres (AC473)
- 10 metres @ 1286 ppm TREO (34.4% magnet REOs) from 16 metres (AC471)
- 8 metres @ 1175 ppm TREO (24.4% magnet REOs) from 31 metres (AC520)
- including 2 metres @ 3449 ppm TREO from 31 metres
- 20 metres @ 977 ppm TREO (23.6% magnet REOs) from 20 metres (AC446)
- including 8 metres @ 1596 ppm TREO from 22 metres
- 30 metres @ 923 ppm TREO (26.7% magnet REOs) from 11 metres (AC468)
- including 8 metres @ 1684 ppm TREO from 25 metres
- 31 metres @ 758 ppm TREO (30.5% magnet REOs) from 19 metres (AC467)
- including 16 metres @ 1062 ppm TREO from 23 metres
Assays are reported for the first time from 41 vertical air core holes drilled along existing access tracks in the northern and central parts of E63/1972 to the north and west of the Cowalinya North resource1 (Figure 1).
HRE Executive Director, Richard Brescianini, said,“Today’s assays have added an exciting ‘blue sky’ element to Cowalinya with excellent rare earth intersections, both in width and grade, drilled up to 14 kilometres from our recent Western Zone discovery. This is a very significant development for the project and builds on our success in demonstrating the widespread and coherent nature of rare earth mineralisation within our ground.
“Results reported by HRE since last October underline the potential for a material increase in resources at Cowalinya. The work aimed at achieving this has now commenced and will be completed over the coming months.”
Figure 1: Plan view of Cowalinya air core drilling on E63/1972 showing holes with significant intervals of REE mineralisation, existing Cowalinya North and South resources, newly discovered Western Zone, and location of cross-section A-B-C-D (Figure 2).
Drill results from new area up to 14 kilometres from Western Zone (A-B in Figure 1)
A number of shallow, thick and/or high-grade intersections in saprolite have been discovered along a line of consecutive 400 metre-spaced holes located up to 14 kilometres north-west of the newly discovered Western Zone of rare earth mineralisation. They include:
- AC467: 31 metres @ 758 ppm TREO from 19 metres
- AC468: 30 metres @ 923 ppm TREO from 11 metres
- AC471: 10 metres @ 1286 ppm TREO from 16 metres
- AC472: 19 metres @ 811 ppm TREO from 11 metres
- AC473: 7 metres @ 1303 ppm TREO from 7 metres.
These holes are at the western end of the 8-kilometre-long section A-B in Figure 2.
Click here for the full ASX Release
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