Belararox Limited

Large Lithium and Gold Anomalies Identified from Extensive Soil Sampling Program at Bullabulling

Belararox Ltd (ASX: BRX) (Belararox or the Company) is an advanced mineral explorer focused on high-value clean energy metals, and has identified potential LCT mineralisation at the Company’s Bullabulling 100% owned project. Additionally, the project is considered highly prospective for gold.

Key Highlights

  • Soil sampling results from Belararox’s Bullabulling Project have highlighted strong lithium anomalies up to 324ppm Li.
  • Two of the largest coherent lithium soil anomalies (>80ppm Li) can each be traced over 500m within a highly prospective > 3km long structural corridor with anomalous Li values.
  • The lithium soil anomalies are associated with elevated caesium (Cs) and tantalum (Ta) confirming LCT pegmatite type targets within mafic metamorphic rocks adjacent to the Bali Monzogranite.
  • Additionally, several soil gold anomalies (>20ppb Au) have been identified. The most significant anomaly returned assay values up to 87.6ppb Au and is traceable over 500m; the anomaly is associated with mafic basalts and amphibolites in a similar structural setting to the adjacent Bullabulling Goldfield.

Future work

  • Planning of follow-up infill soil sampling and detailed geological mapping is underway to better define the anomalies before drill testing.
Managing Director, Arvind Misra, commented:

The soil sampling programme was very effective in better defining the most prospective areas for lithium and gold mineralisation at Bullabulling. With increased prospectivity and confidence, additional detailed geological mapping and ground truthing will commence shortly with the aim of refining the drill ready targets.

Bullabulling Project

Belararox holds the Bullabulling Project which is comprised of 26 wholly owned tenements covering an area of approx. 50 km2 to the west of Coolgardie in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. The company is pleased to announce the results of an extensive soil sampling program comprising 1581 soil samples collected during July and August 2023.

The soil sampling program was designed as a follow-up to a first pass reconnaissance mapping and rock chip sampling program, where rock chip assay results from mapped pegmatites returned elevated lithium (Li) and rubidium (Rb) values (refer to BRX ASX announcement from the 26th June 2023). Soil samples were taken on a nominal 125m x 125m grid spacing across highly prospective areas for lithium and gold mineralisation and have revealed several strong lithium and gold anomalies (Figures 1, 2 and 3).

Figure 1. Belararox’s Bullabulling project. White dots show the location of the 1581 soil samples collected, red dots represent assay values of>80ppm Li and orange dots represent assay values >20ppb Au. The red outline highlights the most prospective area for lithium and gold mineralisation (extents of Figure 2 and 3).


During a recent geological reconnaissance campaign several pegmatites have been identified with anomalous Li and Rb. This suggests the broader Bullabulling Project area has the potential to host a significant LCT pegmatite district (refer to BRX ASX announcement from the 26th June 2023).

The encouraging results from field mapping and rock chip sampling have now been confirmed with a follow- up soil sampling program across the most prospective areas. Strong lithium anomalies up to 324 ppm Li are associated with elevated caesium (Cs) and tantalum (Ta) confirming LCT pegmatite type targets within favourable mafic metamorphic rocks adjacent to the Bali Monzogranite. Furthermore, the two largest coherent lithium soil anomalies can be traced over 500m each and are adjacent to outcropping pegmatites identified during previous geological mapping and rock chip sampling, within a highly prospective structural corridor that extends over 3kms (Figure 2).

Click here for the full ASX Release

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