West Cobar Metals Limited

Large Copper - Antimony System at Bulla Park

West Cobar’s (ASX:WC1) 100%-owned Bulla Park Copper Project 110km west of Cobar in New South Wales, contains a large copper – antimony system as indicated by previous drill intersections.


  • Previous diamond drilling shows broad intervals of disseminated copper - antimony mineralisation
  • Previous intercepts have contained significant sulphidic copper and antimony mineralisation, such as:
    • 89m at 0.30% Cu and 0.10% Sb, including 33m at 0.47% Cu and 0.15% Sb (19CA002, 176m to 265m)
    • Copper grades up to 1.46% Cu (19CA002, 246m to 247m)*
    • Antimony grades up to 0.5% Sb (19CA002, 246m to 247m)*
  • Copper and antimony grades increase towards a broad zone of faulting targeted by recently drilled diamond hole BPD09 (assays awaited)

Mineralisation is dominantly tetrahedrite (copper - antimony sulphide) and minor chalcopyrite and stibnite (antimony sulphide). Antimony grades in previously assayed drill hole intercepts are approximately 30% to 35% of the copper grade, reflecting the theoretical composition of tetrahedrite (Cu12Sb4S13).

Recently drilled BPD09 (see ASX release of 13 August 2024) was designed to test an interpreted fault zone where higher copper – antimony grades were anticipated. The hole successfully intersected a broad zone from 120m to 338m (218m) of faulting, fracturing, disseminated copper- antimony sulphides, siderite alteration, veining and stockworks, and tectonic and hydrothermal breccias. The core samples from BPD09 are currently in a laboratory undergoing preparation. Assay results are expected to be received during September.

* See Appendix 1 for complete Cu and Sb assays for drill hole 19CA002

Antimony grades at Bulla Park follow the copper distribution. High grades of copper are found with better antimony grades. Apart from the dominant antimony mineral tetrahedrite, stibnite occurs as radiating needles in fractures and makes up about 10% of the antimony content.

Further drilling is planned to extend the major fault zone containing broad intervals of disseminated copper-antimony mineralisation.


Antimony (Sb) is a designated critical mineral in many countries and is used in military applications, solar cells, fire retardants and as a strengthening agent in alloy production.

China supplies 56% of the global antimony production and has decided to restrict exports of antimony from 15 September 2024, claiming that its strategic reserves are too low to allow further exports. This has caused the price of antimony to increase significantly to approximately US$23,000/t as USA and European users seek to secure supply. (source: www.reuters.com)

Previous Results at Bulla Park

A characteristic of the Bulla Park deposit is consistency of copper and antimony grades over wide intervals (historical drilling intersected stratabound zones outside of the fault zone, where better grades are anticipated).

Table 1: Summary of historical assay results of copper-antimony mineralisationResults reported using 0.2%Cu cut-off

In previous drilling, both the copper and the antimony grades increase towards the newly intersected fault zone recently targeted by BPD09 (assays awaited). The nearest previously drilled historical hole to the fault zone is 19CA002, which includes 7m of 0.27%Sb and 0.71% Cu from 245m.*

Click here for the full ASX Release

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