Asian Battery Metals PLC

High grade Massive Sulphide Intercepts Confirmed at Oval

Asian Battery Metals PLC (ABM or the Company, ASX: AZ9) is pleased to announce the remaining laboratory assay results of the 2024 Phase 2 drilling program for samples from drillholes OVD026, OVD027, OVD028, and OVD029. The details of the assays are provided in Table 1.


  • OVD027 confirms the continution of high grade massive sulphide from OVD0211 with an intercept of 6.1 metres of 4.16% Cu, 3.51% Ni, 0.G3g/t E3, and 0.13% Co from G8.2 metres encountered between broader high grade zones of:
    • A dense disseminated intercept - 26.2 metres of 0.44% Cu, 0.52% Ni, 0.12g/t E3, and 0.03% Co from 72.0 metres and
    • A net textured intercept - 15.3 metres of 1.15% Cu, 0.79% Ni, 0.35g/t E3, and 0.04% Co from 104.3 metres;
  • A high grade broad intersection is confirmed at the central part of the Oval area by OVD026. It includes a massive sulphide intercept in hole OVD026 of 1.8 metres of 3.21% Cu, 3.32% Ni, 0.6Gg/t E3, and 0.14% Co from 105.0 metres within broader mineralisation of:
    • 19.8 metres of 1.23% Cu, 0.98% Ni, 0.36g/t E3, and 0.05% Co from 91.2 metres.

OVD026 is located 100 metres northwest of the previously announced 8.8 metres of massive sulphide identified in drillhole OVD021.

On completion of the Phase 2 exploration work and receipt of all assays, Managing Director Gan-Ochir Zunduisuren, commented:“The 2024 Phase 1 and 2 drilling and exploration programs have confirmed the broad presence of high-grade mineralisation in the Oval gabbroic intrusion. The grades intercepted in some of the drillholes are exceptional and may be indicative of broader potential over a larger area, given Oval is a greenfields discovery.

The 2025 exploration program will focus on obtaining information on the size/metal content potential of the Oval Cu-Ni-PGE mineral system as well as targeting the possible deeper magmatic sources at Oval. Broader exploration is also planned at potential extensions of Oval and nearby look-a-like prospects. We look forward to updating shareholders on progress, with drilling expected to commence in around 8 weeks”.

Summary of Phase 2 exploration drilling at Oval Cu-Ni-PGE project

The Company’s recent drilling work has predominantly focused on finding high-grade mineralisation in the olivine-amphibole gabbro at the Oval project. The multiple intercepts of massive sulphide mineralisation with different ratios of metal contents throughout the Oval gabbroic intrusion is highly encouraging for the presence of one or more deeper sources of high grade mineralisation in the opinion of ABM.

Figure 1. Plan view of drillhole locations on high resolution magnetics map (RTP)

Drillhole OVD02c

Drillhole OVD026 was designed to test the Down-Hole Electromagnetic (DHEM) conductor plate identified as OVD007_L2_B (reinterpretation of OVD007_L2_A2 by Southern Geoscience Consultants), which exhibits a conductance of 1,000 siemens. The drilling intersected a total of 1G.8 metres of mineralisation with 1.23% Cu, 0.G8% Ni, 0.36g/t E3, and 0.05% Co from G1.2 metres including;

  • 4.8 metres of @ 0.45% Cu, 0.43% of Ni, 0.14g/t E3, and 0.02% Co of dense disseminated mineralised gabbro from 91.2 metres,
  • 6.6 metres of @ 1.56% Cu, 0.G0% Ni, 0.50g/t E3, and 0.04% Co of net textured mineralisation from G6.0 metres,
  • 2.4 metres of @ 1.52% Cu, 1.3G% Ni, 0.43g/t E3, and 0.07% Co of semi massive sulphide mineralisation from 102.6 metres,
  • 1.8 metres of @ 3.21% Cu, 3.32% Ni, 0.6Gg/t E3, and 0.14% Co of massive sulphide mineralisation from 105.0 metres, and
  • 4.2 metres of @ 0.57% Cu, 0.45% of Ni, 0.21g/t E3, and 0.02% Co of dense disseminated mineralised gabbro from 106.9 metres (Table 1 provides a detailed breakdown of mineralisation intervals).

OVD026 is located in the Oval area, which is approximately 100 metres northwest of the previous intersection identified in drillhole OVD0213. This intercept may represent an extension of the known massive sulphide mineralisation in the Oval area and highlights the potential for further expansion of massive sulphide zones within the broader prospect area (Figures 1 and 3).

Click here for the full ASX Release

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