Spearmint Resources
Exploration Company In Pursuit Of World Class Mineral Deposits
Exploration Company In Pursuit Of World Class Mineral Deposits
Spearmint Resources’ (CSE:SPMT) current projects include three areas of focus on gold in British Columbia; the ‘Golden Triangle Gold Prospects’ comprising of four separate claim blocks totaling 4,095-acres bordering GT Gold Corp (GTT.v), the ‘Gold Mountain Prospects’ comprising of three separate claim blocks totaling 1,245-acres bordering Barkerville Gold Mines (BGM.v), and the 3,052 acre ‘Neba Prospect’ bordering Aben Resources Ltd (ABN.v). Spearmint’s 1,975 and 2,107 acre ‘EL North and EL North 2’ Nickel-Copper prospects in the Eskay Creek Camp border Garibaldi Resources Corp (GGI.v). Spearmint’s ‘Chibougamau Vanadium Prospects’ comprising of five separate claim blocks totaling 9,735-acres borders the vanadium deposit of BlackRock Metal’s (private) Ilmenite vanadium project, Vanadiumcorp Resource Inc. (VRB.v) and Vanadium One Energy Corp. (VONE.v). Spearmint’s portfolio of lithium projects include the ‘Clayton Valley Lithium Prospects’ in Nevada comprising of two claim blocks totaling 800-acres bordering Pure Energy Minerals (PE.v), and three lithium projects in Quebec including the 4,485-acre ‘Pressiac Lithium Prospect’, the 524-acre ‘Whabouchi Lakes Lithium Prospect’, and the 2,636-acre ‘Whabouchi Lakes West Lithium Prospect’.
The “GOLDEN TRIANGLE GOLD PROSPECTS” – Spearmint Resources Inc. has recently acquired a 100-per-cent interest in four separate gold prospects totaling 4,095 acres. The Gold Triangle prospects are all located in the Golden Triangle gold district in British Columbia. One of the prospects is directly bordering GT Gold Corp’s (GTT.v) Tatogga Lake prospect and Colorado Resources (CXO.v). The other three prospects directly border GT Gold Corp’s Tatogga Lake prospect, which was the area of the impressive gold intercepts of 13.03 grams per tonne gold over 10.67 metres. The Golden Triangle is a world-class mining district with a renewed market focus and we are optimistic about what this region may provide for Spearmint’s growth strategy. Spearmint is planning to initiate work programs on this project shortly.
The “EL NORTH PROSPECT” – Spearmint Resources Inc. has acquired a 100 percent interest in the “EL North” Nickel-Copper Prospect in the world renowned Eskay Creek Mining Camp in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia. This prospect borders Garibaldi Resources Corp (GGI.v). Garibaldi announced on September 1, 2017 that they “intersected two long intervals of nickel-copper sulphide mineralization totaling 176 meters and consisting of pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite in the first drill hole…” This new prospect consists of 1,975 contiguous acres.
The “NEBA COPPER-GOLD PROSPECT” – Spearmint Resources Inc.has acquired a 100 percent interest in the 3,052 acre ‘NEBA’ Copper-Gold Prospect in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia. This prospect borders Aben Resources Ltd (ABN.v). Aben recently announced on September 5th, 2017 “At Boundary, massive to semi-massive sulphide horizons were encountered in association with strong quartz carbonate veining and breccias. Sulphides within these packages are relatively enriched in chalcopyrite, a copper mineral that has shown a strong correlation with gold mineralization both on the Forrest Kerr Property and in several localities within the Golden Triangle…” This new prospect directly borders Aben’s Boundary zone.
The “GOLD MOUNTAIN PROSPECTS”– Spearmint Resources Inc. has acquired three separate claim blocks comprising of 1,245 acres that make up the Gold Mountain gold prospects near the town of Wells, B.C., two of these claim blocks are completely surrounded by Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. (BGM.v). The other claim block directly borders Barkerville Gold Mines. According to a news release dated April 17, 2017, Barkerville announced some of its “best intercepts to date of 19.2 grams per tonne gold Au over 54.4 metres, including 32.06 grams per tonne Au over 30.7 metres” near the town of Wells, B.C.
Barkerville Gold has had great success on their property in this world-class gold district and have recently announced some of the best intercepts reported in British Columbia this year. When you considered Spearmint’s new Gold Mountain gold prospect is bordering their project, and some of the new claims are directly inside their property, Spearmint is very optimistic about what this new prospect may provide for Spearmint shareholders. We plan to commence operations as soon as possible.
The “CHIBOUGAMAU VANADIUM PROSPECTS”– Spearmint Resources Inc. has acquired a 100-per-cent interest in five separate vanadium prospects totaling 9,735 acres, the Chibougamau vanadium prospects, all located in the direct vicinity of Lac Chibougamau, Quebec. These new properties border BlackRock Metals’ (private) Ilmenite vanadium project, Vanadiumcorp Resource Inc.’s (VRB.v) Lac Dore vanadium project and Vanadium One Energy Corp.’s (VONE.v) Mont Sorcier vanadium project. This new block of claims puts Spearmint in the heart of the expanding Chibougamau mining district’s vanadium circle. Vanadium has garnered significant market attention recently as the use of vanadium in battery storage is gaining momentum and Spearmint is very pleased to be able to acquire a significant footprint in one of Canada’s best-known vanadium districts.
The “CLAYTON VALLEY LITHIUM PROSPECTS”– Spearmint Resources Inc. has acquired two separate claim blocks in Nevada that are prospective for lithium known as the Elon property and the McGee property which cover an aggregate area of 800 acres. These two separate claim blocks border Pure Energy Minerals’ (PE.v) Clayton Valley project and Cypress Development Corp’s (CYP.v) property. Pure Energy is in the only known lithium-bearing brine in North America that is in production and Spearmint is very pleased to be in this area. Historic and present drill programs in adjacent and nearby properties are suggestive of the potential for the discovery of lithium-bearing brines.
Of the 91 samples collected during the phase 1 work program, and submitted to ALS Minerals in Vancouver, B.C., The highest sample value obtained was 1,630 parts per million, with an overall average value of 843 parts per million lithium. Twenty-three of the 91 samples achieved values of over 1,000 parts per million. The samples ranged from a low of 285 parts per million to the high of 1,630 parts per million. Spearmint Resources is currently awaiting approval of the notice of intent submitted to the Bureau of Land Management’s office in Tonopah, Nev., the approval of which is required before drilling activities may commence.
President James Nelson, stated, “We are very pleased that the results verified what we were hoping to find on the Clayton Valley prospect. The Clayton Valley prospect is developing nicely and these results are extremely promising for us and will enable us to continue with a larger drill program in the near future. Historic and present drill programs in adjacent and nearby properties are certainly encouraging and the success of our neighbours (Pure Energy and Cypress Development) provide Spearmint with an optimal location in the Clayton Valley. It would appear that the mudstone formation hosting the lithium moves through the Cypress-Pure joint venture properties and appears to continue on our property. We are immediately formulating the next phase of operations and look forward to either attempting to develop this property ourselves or to possibly take on a partner. Management will evaluate all possible avenues going forward.”
The “PREISSAC LITHIUM PROSPECT”– Spearmint’s 4,485 acre Preissac Lithium property is located in Quebec. The vicinity of the Preissac lithium property contains multiple lithium showings. Less than two km south of the property are located the Aldous and the Authier showings. Those showings correspond to spodumene mineralization inside pegmatite dikes, with a lithium content up to 1.14 per cent lithium. Less than three km northeast of the property is the Lac de Hauteur showing. Analysis reported by the MERN (Ministere de l’Energie et des Ressources naturelles) indicates anomalies in tantalium, niobium and lithium. Less than six km south are the Cominco-Nickel, Marbridge, Ataman, Lamotte and Cubric showings. These showings are ultramafic formation, with content up to 3.65 per cent nickel, with minor copper, zinc and molybdenum.
The “WHABOUCHI LAKES LITHIUM PROSPECT”– Spearmint’s 524 acre Whabouchi Lakes property is located in the James Bay area of the province of Quebec. This property consists of four claims that total approximately 2.13 square km. These claims overlay the possible source of lake sediment geochemical anomalies. The anomalous elements are bismuth, rare earth elements, lithium, niobium and tungsten, which represent good pathfinders and indicators of pegmatite-hosted type of mineralization also present at Nemaska Lithium Inc.’s (NMX.V) Whabouchi deposit.
The “WHABOUCHI LAKES WEST LITHIUM PROSPECT”– Spearmint’s 2,636 acre Whabouchi Lakes West property is located in the James Bay area of the province of Quebec, approximately 40 km east of the community of Nemaska, 228 km north-northwest of the Chibougamau municipality and in the immediate vicinity of the Whabouchi mine of Nemaska Lithium Inc. (NMX.v). It includes 20 claims that total approximately 10.66 square km.
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