Star Minerals

New Frontier Has Returned High Grade Gold Rock Chips In The West Bryah

Star Minerals Limited (ASX: SMS, “the Company” or “Star Minerals”) is pleased to announce a successful reconnaissance trip to its 7 tenements in the West Bryah region. The exercise recognised and confirmed historical workings returning positive gold assays in rock chip samples.


  • High Grade rock chips featuring 35.85g/t Au and 3.31g/t Au.
  • Confirmation of important historical targets within the highly prospective Narracoota Formation.
  • Strong indicators of Au in previously known and new prospects.
  • Tenements cover a large area of the Bryah Basin, which hosts significant gold and copper‐gold discoveries.
The program has identified multiple key areas including historic workings in the Top Dimble, West Dimble and the East Dimble regions, and highlighted potential new prospects.

The rock chips collected on the reconnaissance of the area recorded gold in multiple samples with one sample returning 35.85g/t in the Top Dimble region and 3.31g/t in the West Dimble area. These chips were collected from historical workings with the surface material providing clear evidence for sheared material and strong veining.

Other areas which have shown interest from the reconnaissance include the Mt Padbury area. Mt Padbury is a known mineralized zone which hosts historical results such as 4m @ 2.69g/t (RC) and 1m @ 8.04g/t (RC) drilled by Lachlan Resources in 19981. This area is set to be fully explored and geologically mapped later this year.

The tenements are located in an underexplored region within the Narracoota formation which hosts WestGold’s Fortum Mine and the historic Horseshoe Lights mine located nearby. No significant drilling for gold has commenced within the region since the 1990’s, however the rich history of the Dimble region shows multiple historical workings over a large geographical spread indicating significant potential for significant gold mineralisation.

Star Minerals’ CEO, Greg Almond comments:

“We are very satisfied to have completed this program and received these superb gold results. The assays provide further encouragement on our efforts to apply modern exploration methods to the significant historical results seen in this area.

The assays confirm our previous work that indicated the strong potential of the Narracoota Formation, and the significance of the historical work from the Dimble and Mt Padbury areas.

Welookforwardtoournextworkprogrammesrevealingmore information as we build on these great results with our next phases of mapping, geophysical surveys and drilling, all currently in the planning stage.”

Regional Setting

The West Bryah exploration licences cover an area of 350km2 over 7 tenements. The tenements cover the large regional East‐West trending Padbury Synform, which feature lithological units of the Robinson Range, Wilthorpe formation and Labouchere formation within the centre and the renowned Narracoota formation on the Northern and Southern limbs.

The West Bryah Project is located East of, and partially within the same geological sequence as the Livingstone Gold Project, currently operated by Metal Bank Limited (ASX:MBK). The Homestead project shows an indicated and inferred mineral resource of 40,300 oz Au @ 1.42g/t gold2, while the nearby Kingsley deposit hosts an inferred resource of 30,500oz Au @ 1.42 g/t3 as an open resource with potential to carry through into the tenements currently owned by Star Minerals. Many of MBK’s discoveries have been highlighted via Au soil anomalies in which Star Minerals intends to perform later in the year.

Other major areas of interest within Star Mineral’s tenements features the Yarlarweelor Gneiss Complex for potential pegmatite exploration and the Despair Granite which hosts the local Wilthorpe Mine (Au Mine).

Click here for the full ASX Release

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