Black Canyon (ASX:BCA)

High Grade Manganese Discovered at Wandanya

Australian manganese explorer and developer, Black Canyon Limited (Black Canyon or the Company) (ASX: BCA) is pleased to announce the completion of the W2 and KR2 RC drill program. The maiden drill program completed at W2 has identified potential hydrothermal related stratabound mineralisation with pXRF results confirming high-grade manganese.

  • Drilling has intersected high grade manganese at the W2 prospect1, Wandanya located 80 km south of the Woodie Woodie Mine
  • Portable XRF (pXRF) analysis indicate grade ranges of between 15% to 55% Mn.
  • The mineralisation is interpreted as fault related hydrothermal, stratabound manganese enrichment representing a significant new exploration model on the eastern margin of the Oakover Basin.
  • This style of mineralisation expands the scope to explore for additional high-grade mineralisation along strike where the Company has mapped 1.75km of intermittent high grade outcropping manganese, down dip within the sedimentary sequence and potentially along associated feeder faults.
  • Expedited laboratory-based manganese assay results for selected representative holes from W2 are expected in the coming weeks to confirm the pXRF results.
  • Samples have been collected for density-based beneficiation test work to potentially produce a high-grade manganese product

Black Canyon’s Managing Director Brendan Cummins said:

“It was exciting to be back on the rig and drilling the first holes into the W2 prospect. With each hole drilled we began to build a picture of the distribution, thickness and internal structure of the mineralisation. What was of particular interest was the consistency of the horizon over 240m strike and how we intersected mineralisation on the eastern most holes on every line so the mineralisation remains open to the north, south and east.”

Iron alteration and brecciation often associated from manganese mineralisation atWoodieWoodie wasalsoobserved.SignificantlytheageoftherockswehavedrilledatW2areyoungerthantherocks thathostWoodieWoodiehoweversimilarprocessesmayhaveoccurredprovidingmanganeserich ffuidsaccesstoreceptiveunitstoformthisstrataboundmineralisation. Themainadvantageofthis style of mineralisation is the benefit of hydrothermal high grades with the predictability of a mineralisedlayerwhichmayextendoverhundredsofmetresandvaryinthickness”

“ItisveryearlydaysbutIamveryimpressedwiththegeology,initialpXRFresultsandthefuture exploration potential using this newmineralisation model.”

Click here for the full ASX Release

This article includes content from Black Canyon, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.

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