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June 14, 2023
GreenTech Metals Ltd (ASX: GRE) (GreenTech or the Company) is pleased to report that it has confirmed the presence of spodumene-bearing pegmatites on the Company’s 100% owned Ruth Well Project, in the West Pilbara region of Western Australian.
- Reconnaissance rock chip sampling at the Ruth Well Project in the Pilbara region of WA has confirmed multiple lithium bearing pegmatites
- Assays report up to 1.65% Li2O, with mineralisation confirmed as spodumene
- Significant sampling assays recorded include:
- 1.65% Li2O Sample No 23GT06_006
- 1.63% Li2O Sample No 23GT10_003
- 1.03% Li2O Sample No 23GT10_012
- 0.57% Li2O Sample No 23GT10_002
- 0.36% Li2O Sample No 23GT10_015
- 1.65% Li2O Sample No 23GT06_006
- Ruth Well pegmatite bearing zone is up to 200m wide and traced for 6km strike – zone remains open in all directions
- A further 40 reconnaissance samples have been dispatched for analysis –
- results due imminently
- Strong pipeline of near-term exploration activity planned to refine priority target areas including further rock chip sampling, soil geochemistry and trenching programs
- POW’s being prepared for maiden a RC drilling program at Ruth Well – drilling commencement subject to relevant approvals
Results from the 22 reconnaissance rock chip samples submitted for analysis to date, have returned encouraging grades of lithium mineralisation measuring up to 1.65% Li2O. Further, the Ruth Well pegmatite bearing zone is up to 200m wide and traced for 6km strike, with the zone remaining open in all directions within the Company’s tenements.
Management Commentary
Executive Director Thomas Reddicliffe commented: “We are very encouraged by these high-grade lithium assays from our reconnaissance program at Ruth Well, which has confirmed the discovery of spodumene bearing pegmatites within our tenements. The West Pilbara region is continuing to attract significant interest from listed companies and investors and GreenTech has secured a strategic and highly prospective foothold.
The spodumene bearing pegmatites occur in a zone up to 200m wide which also includes barren pegmatites. To date we have traced the pegmatites for 6km and onto our adjoining tenements. This appears to be a significant mineralising event the extent of which both laterally and along strike is yet to be determined.
This discovery in WA’s new lithium hot spot, combined with the Company’s advanced Whundo Copper Project, where we recently reported a significant resource upgrade, positions GreenTech as a rapidly emerging critical metals business with an advanced project pipeline.”
Ruth Well Reconnaissance Program Summary
An initial reconnaissance prospecting and sampling program completed over several of the company’s exploration licences included the collection of 7 rock chip samples from sporadic pegmatite outcrops within the Ruth Well project tenement E47/3487.
These samples were dispatched to the ALS Global laboratory in Perth for a 55-element analysis including lithium. Initial assays returned positive results for lithium mineralisation with sample 23GT06-006 reporting 1.65% Li2O.
This work was part of a broader reconnaissance program targeting potentially prospective areas that were identified following assessment of historical data and aerial imagery. The pegmatites are strongly foliated to sheared and emplaced within the steeply dipping mafic schists of the Meso-archaean Regal Formation and have been observed to outcrop discontinuously over more than 2km of strike within E47/3487.
Click here for the full ASX Release
This article includes content from GreenTech Metals Limited, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.
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