Bryah Resources

Drilling At Redrum Increases Resource Potential

Bryah Resources Limited (ASX: BYH, “Bryah” or “the Company”) in conjunction with OM (Manganese) Ltd (OMM) is pleased to announce manganese drilling results at its 49% owned Bryah Basin manganese project. The results are part of the program drilled in December 2022. Bryah (49%) and OMM (51%) have a Joint Venture (JV) to undertake exploration to test targets in the area, with a view to commencing manganese production. OMM is a wholly owned subsidiary of OM Holdings Limited (ASX: OMH), one of the world’s leading suppliers of manganese ores.


  • Downhole drill hole Intersections of:
    • 7m at 26.4% Mn in hole RRRC053 from 9m
    • 7m at 23.0% Mn in hole RRRC055 from 7m including 4m at 27.3% Mn
    • 10m at 27.2% Mn in hole RRRC064 from 14m
  • Resource modelling commencing to update the JORC Resource
  • RC drilling to commence at four prospects1 (Epona, Black Hill NE, Gold Trip and Black Beauty North) and additional drilling at Brumby Creek after Program of Works and Heritage approvals.

Commenting on the drilling, Bryah CEO Ashley Jones said: “Results from Redrum have again returned excellent grades. The footprint at Redrum is now one of the largest in the Brumby Creek area and should be able to support a substantial manganese resource. Initial geological modelling has indicated good continuity showing the prospect is still open in multiple directions.

Further drilling will commence shortly targeting the 3-5 Million Tonnes in resource so we can restart this mining area.”

The Bryah Basin project area is located approximately 100km north of the town of Meekatharra in Western Australia. The Company’s tenements and manganese mineral rights cover 1,135km² over parts of the western Bryah Basin. Figure 1 shows the Manganese Joint Venture tenement package, with prospects and an existing manganese Mineral Resource.2

Extensional resource drilling was undertaken to extend known areas of mineralisation at Brumby West3 and Area 74. These results from exploration drilling at the Redrum prospect will be incorporated in the planned updated Mineral Resource Estimate.

Figure 1: Prospect locations with geology map showing the Horseshoe Formation


Drilling during December 2022 was aimed to extend known mineralisation. Area 74 and Redrum prospects were targeted to extend the areas where manganese mineralisation was open in multiple directions after the last drilling campaign in 2022. Drilling to the south targeted a potential channel in the southern area of Redrum enlarging the prospective area.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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