Canadian Federal Government Commits $142.6 Million to Cybersecurity Strategy

Technology Investing News

The Canadian federal government is exhibiting an increased concern for cybersecurity, announcing that it will funnel an additional $142.6 million into its anti-cybercrime strategy over the next five years.

The Canadian federal government is exhibiting an increased concern for cybersecurity, announcing that it will funnel an additional $142.6 million into its anti-cybercrime strategy over the next five years.
According to an article on TechVibes:

That money is intended to help protect private-sector computer systems, Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney said.
The announcement comes after hackers broke into Toronto-based, stealing private data and threatening to expose users of the site which helps people cheat on their partners.
However, the new money doesn’t appear to be related to that breach.
The new money will go directly to Public Safety Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Communications Security Establishment (Canada’s signals intelligence agency) and the Canadian SecurityIntelligence Service.

Click here to read the fill article on TechVibes.

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