TSX: LUC) (BSE: LUC) (Nasdaq Stockholm: LUC) PDF Version
Lucara Diamond Corp. ("Lucara" or the "Company") announces that its Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the office of Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, 199 Bay Street, Suite 4000, Toronto, ONT M5L 1A9, on Friday, May 12, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) , for the following purposes:
1. | To receive the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022, together with the report of the auditors; |
2. | To reappoint the auditor for the upcoming year and to authorize the directors to fix their remuneration; |
3. | To elect directors for the upcoming year; |
4. | To pass an ordinary resolution to approve certain amendments to the Corporation's share unit plan; |
5. | To pass an ordinary resolution to approve certain amendments to the Corporation's deferred share unit plan; |
6. | To pass an ordinary resolution to approve the continuation of the Corporation's stock option plan, including certain amendments thereto and the unallocated entitlements thereunder, and to ratify the issuance of certain stock options previously granted by the Corporation; and |
7. | To adopt an advisory resolution on executive compensation. |
The record date for the Annual General and Special Meeting is March 15, 2023 . The Notice of Meeting, the accompanying Management Proxy Circular and related meeting materials are available under the Company's profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com and on the Company's website at https://lucaradiamond.com .
The Corporation encourages you to vote your shares by proxy in advance of the Meeting, via mail, telephone or on the internet. Voting instructions need to be received at least one business day before the proxy deposit date. The proxy deposit date is May 10, 2023 , 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) , any proxy form received after that time will not be valid. In conducting the Meeting on May 12, 2023 , the Corporation intends to follow the guidelines for physical distancing prescribed by the Public Health Agency of Canada to minimize the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), as such guidelines are applicable as at the date of the Meeting. No management presentation will be made following the business of the Meeting.
The information in this section is of significance to shareholders who hold their securities ("Euroclear Registered Securities") through Euroclear Sweden AB, which securities trade on the Nasdaq Stockholm Exchange. Shareholders who hold Euroclear Registered Securities are not registered holders of voting securities for the purposes of voting at the Meeting. Instead, Euroclear Registered Securities are registered under CDS & Co., the registration name of the Canadian Depositary for Securities. Holders of Euroclear Registered Securities will receive a Form of Proxy (the "Swedish Proxy") by mail directly from Computershare AB ("Computershare Sweden"). The Swedish Proxy cannot be used to vote securities directly at the Meeting. Instead, the Swedish Proxy must be completed and returned to Computershare Sweden, strictly in accordance with the instructions and deadlines that will be described in the instructions provided with the Swedish Proxy.
Eira Thomas
President and Chief Executive Officer
Follow Lucara Diamond on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , and LinkedIn
Lucara is a leading independent producer of large exceptional quality Type IIa diamonds from its 100% owned Karowe Diamond Mine in Botswana . The Karowe Mine has been in production since 2012 and is the focus of the Company's operations and development activities. Clara Diamond Solutions Limited Partnership ("Clara"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lucara, has developed a secure, digital sales platform that uses proprietary analytics together with cloud and blockchain technologies to modernize the existing diamond supply chain, driving efficiencies, unlocking value and ensuring diamond provenance from mine to finger. Lucara has an experienced board and management team with extensive diamond development and operations expertise. Lucara and its subsidiaries operate transparently and in accordance with international best practices in the areas of sustainability, health and safety, environment, and community relations. Lucara has adopted the IFC Performance Standards and the World Bank Group's Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Mining (2007).  Accordingly, the development of the Karowe underground expansion project ("UGP") adheres to the Equator Principles. Lucara is committed to upholding high standards while striving to deliver long-term economic benefits to Botswana and the communities in which the Company operates.
The information in this release is accurate at the time of distribution but may be superseded or qualified by subsequent news releases.
The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 2:00 PM Pacific Time on April 10, 2023 .
SOURCE Lucara Diamond Corp.

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