High Grade REE and Niobium Confirmed at Lyons

High Grade REE and Niobium Confirmed at Lyons

Lanthanein Resources Ltd (ASX: LNR) (Lanthanein or the Company) is pleased to announce assay results from the recent drilling completed at the Lyons Rare Earths Project in Western Australia (Lyons Project). The drill program targeted high-grade rare earth mineralisation discovered at the outcropping ironstones at Lyons 11, 12, 13 and 27 (Figures 6 and 7).

  • Over 1km strike length of economic TREO mineralisation intersected and remains open
  • Extremely high Neodymium and Praseodymium grades make up to 55% of Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO), more than 3 times the world average¹
  • Significant Niobium intersections on margins of Lyons Magnetic Intrusive Complex, related to carbonatites under cover to be drill tested in Q1, 2023
  • Widths of main ironstone REE mineralisation intersected at Lyons prospects are 1 – 5m thick, analogous to Hastings Technology Metals main REE deposits Simons Find, Frasers and Bald Hill ~2.5km away¹. Significant intercepts include;
    • LYRC047: 5m at 0.69% TREO from 20m, including 2m at 1.06% TREO (41% NdPr:TREO) from 21m
    • LYRC036: 3m at 0.82% TREO from 30m, including 1m at 1.67% TREO (55% NdPr:TREO) from 31m
    • LYRC018: 3m at 0.57% TREO from 6m, including 1m at 1.11% TREO (51% NdPr:TREO) and 0.79% Nb2O5 from 8m
    • LYRC039: 1m at 1.01% TREO (53% NdPr: TREO) from 49m
    • LYRC025: 1m at 0.71% TREO (47% NdPr:TREO) and 1.20% Nb2O5 from 34m
  • Carbonatite targets and kilometre scale potential ironstones undercover still to be drill tested
  • Further assay results expected over December and January
Mr Brian Thomas, Lanthanein Technical Director commented “The high grade REE results returned in drilling has exceeded our expectations, demonstrating economic REE mineralisation from outcrop extending over 1km strike at Lyons 12 and 13, with high grade REE mineralisation remaining open at depth and along strike. We are extremely pleased with the exceptionally high NdPr component, more than 3 times the world average, giving these ironstones of significant economic value.”
“In under a year since acquiring the Lyons project we have discovered multiple outcropping ironstones and completed the first ever drill program on the tenement, confirming that outcropping ironstones are mineralised with REE at multiple prospects and remain open at depth and along strike. With significant drill programs planned for 2023, we are well positioned to continue to build on our discoveries made to date and hopefully add further new discoveries. We are yet to drill test multiple targets such as the large-scale ferrocarbonatite targets. We were recently awarded a $200,000 government EIS funding support, and plan to test the very interesting geophysical targets under shallow cover that extend over multiple kilometres mirroring Dreadnought Resources ironstone and carbonatite discoveries at Yin and Sabre.”
“The encouraging results from Lyons 27 opens up the northwest area of the tenement, with recent field sampling identifying additional outcropping ironstones along strike. There are an exciting pipeline of drill targets for 2023 and we look forward to continuing to prove up the Gascoyne region’s significance as a major Australian REE producing region alongside Dreadnought and Hastings Technology Metals.”
Significant drill programs are planned for 2023 to step out and infill known REE mineralisation for resource estimation in H2, 2023. Geophysical review of magnetic and radiometric surveys flown by the Company has highlighted multiple areas of interest under shallow cover, yet to be tested. The highest priority targets are the high magnetic curvilinear trends which show a similarity to Dreadnought Resources Yin and Sabre discoveries. The Company recently received $200,000 in funding from the Department of Mines Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) to investigate potential for large tonnage REE carbonatites similar to Lynas Corporation’s Mount Weld deposit in Western Australia.
Assay results will continue to be received over December and January with approximately 70% of results received at present.
RC Drilling Assay Results (LYRC001 to LYRC053):
The Company’s recent maiden drilling program (refer to ASX Announcement dated 21 October 2022) completed a total of 53 Reverse Circulation drillholes (Table 2) for 3,510m drilled, at an average depth of 66m.
Significant intersections (Table 1) at the Lyons 12 and 13 prospects (Figure 1) include:
  • LYRC036: 3m at 0.82% TREO from 30m, including 1m at 1.67% TREO (55% NdPr:TREO) from 31m (Figure 2)
  • LYRC018: 3m at 0.57% TREO from 6m, including 1m at 1.11% TREO (51% NdPr:TREO) and 0.79% Nb2O5 from 8m (Figure 3)
  • LYRC039: 1m at 1.01% TREO (53% NdPr: TREO) from 49m (Figure 4)
  • LYRC025: 1m at 0.71% TREO (47% NdPr:TREO) and 1.20% Nb2O5 from 34m

Significant intersections (Table 1) at the Lyons 27 prospect (Figure 7 and 8) include:

  • LYRC047: 5m at 0.69% TREO from 20m, including 2m at 1.06% TREO (41% NdPr:TREO) from 21m (Figure 6)
  • LYRC048: 2m at 0.22% TREO (43% NdPr:TREO) • LYRC045: 1m at 0.21% TREO (38% NdPr:TREO)
  • Assay results are still pending for 5 of the six holes drilled at Lyons 27 (Table 2)

Potential remains for further discoveries of ironstones and carbonatites (Figures 5, 6) within the Company’s tenure where no historical REE exploration has occurred.

Click here for the full ASX Release

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