
Leading Edge Materials


Graphite and Rare Earth Materials for Expanding Markets

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Leading Edge Materials Corp. (TSXV:LEM) (OTCQB:LEMIF) is a Canadian company focused on becoming a sustainable supplier of a range of critical materials necessary in the global transition to a low-carbon energy future. Leading Edge Materials has a unique project portfolio in Scandinavia centered on critical specialty materials—including graphite, lithium, cobalt and rare earths— for various energy related markets including lithium-ion batteries, energy generation and storage, and thermal efficiency building products.

Europe is playing a leading role in the transition to low-carbon energy generation from renewable sources, and the efficient storage of that energy. Electric mobility (EV’s, HEV, PHEV’s) and stationary electricity storage are dependent on high purity graphite, lithium and cobalt, where Leading Edge Materials is an active European player. Lithium, graphite and cobalt have a strong and expanding market, due to the essential role they play in lithium-based batteries for the automotive, consumer product and stationary electrify storage industries.

Company Highlights

  • With the flagship Woxna Graphite production facility LEM is positioned to become the first large scale producer of battery grade high purity spherical graphite outside of China.
  • 100-percent owner of fully permitted Woxna graphite facility, the Bergby lithium project, the Norra Karr REE project, and the Kontio cobalt project all located in Scandanavia—a world leader in low-cost renewable energy innovation.
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