Premium Exploration Samples High Grade Gold and Encounters Friday Zone-Style Mineralisation at the Deadwood Zone

Gold Investing

Premium Exploration Inc. (TSXV:PEM,OTCQX:PMMEF) reported a drill program update and surface grab sample results from the recently acquired patented claims within the Deadwood Zone at the Idaho gold project.

Premium Exploration Inc. (TSXV:PEM,OTCQX:PMMEF) reported a drill program update and surface grab sample results from the recently acquired patented claims within the Deadwood Zone at the Idaho gold project.

As quoted in the press release:

Key Points:

  • Surface grab samples have returned encouraging grades from two different mineralised systems. Premium’s primary focus is a lower grade, bulk-tonnage target; however a higher grade cross-cutting quartz vein system has been recognised, which represents an attractive secondary target. Assay results from the surface grab sampling program are highlighted below.
Quartz VeinAltered Country Rock#9728111.48 g/t Au
#972 81619.37 g/t Au#9728061.80 g/t Au#9728120.61 g/t Au
#972 81742.46 g/t Au#9728070.05 g/t Au#9728130.17 g/t Au
#972 81854.05 g/t Au#9728080.50 g/t Au#9728140.81 g/t Au
#972 81933.88 g/t Au#9728090.09 g/t Au#9728150.21 g/t Au
  #9728100.10 g/t Au#9728200.97 g/t Au
  • Drilling on the patented claims within the northern part of the Deadwood Zone has encountered similar alteration assemblages and sulphide mineralisation to those seen in grab samples.
  • Deadwood drill-holes exhibit similar geological, structural, alteration, and sulphide mineralisation characteristics of the Friday Zone located 12 km to the south, which hosts the current NI 43-101 compliant resource.
  • Deadwood is one of several mineralised zones along the 30 km Orogrande Shear Zone (OSZ) regional system; all mineralised zones are linked by the 30 km geophysical anomaly with co-incident 16 km gold-in-soil trends.

Click here to read the Premium Exploration (TSXV:PEM,OTCQX:PMMEF) press release. 

Click here to view the Premium Exploration (TSXV:PEM,OTCQX:PMMEF) profile.


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