Brookemont Capital Inc.: Yukon Operations to Commence Shortly on Prospect Bordering White Gold Discovery

Gold Investing

Brookemont Capital Inc.(CVE:BKT) announced that plans are being formulated to commence work operations on Brookemont’s 100% owned Yukon Prospect in the White Gold District.

Brookemont Capital Inc.(TSXV:BKT) announced that plans are being formulated to commence work operations on Brookemont’s 100% owned Yukon Prospect in the White Gold District.

The press release is quoted as saying:

This property directly borders Underworld Resources Inc.’s (“Underworld”) “Golden Saddle” discovery. Underworld was just recently taken over by Kinross. Brookemont currently has mineral claims prospective for lithium in Northern Ontario; quartz mineral claims on Yukon bordering Underworld, which was recently taken over by Kinross; and mineral claim blocks in the Stewart Mining Region of British Columbia bordering Canasia Industries Corporation’s Clone Prospect.

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