Midland Exploration Begins First Exploration Program With JOGMEC on Its Rare Earth Ytterby Project

Rare Earth Investing

Midland Exploration Inc. (CVE:MD) announced that in partnership with Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation beginning first exploration program on the Ytterby rare earth elements project.

Midland Exploration Inc. (TSXV:MD) announced that in partnership with Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation beginning first exploration program on the Ytterby rare earth elements project.

The press release is quoted as saying:

This first exploration program, with a total budget of $1,000,000, will initially involve a magnetometric and radiometric airborne survey follow-up by reconnaissance mapping and prospecting. In a second fold, magnetometric and radiometric ground surveys are foreseen to better evaluate the best newly found REE occurrences.

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