Company Highlights
- The Company has three key orogenic assets with proven gold endowment.
- Strong management and technical team led by Wendy T. Chan who has over 20 years of experience developing and executing strategic plans for Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurial companies.
- Tight share structure, where four family offices and institutional funds owning over 60%.
- The company’s flagship Fremont project boasts a resource of 1.16 Moz of gold and 2.02 Moz of gold in the Indicated and Inferred categories, respectively.
- 2025 MRE 1.3 Moz of gold at 4.4 g/t Au (previously mined in the 1930s at 10.7 g/t)
- Upside potential; only 8% of the total 2023 MRE resources has been exploited; mostly in the first 250 m; much has been left unmined.
- Brownfield with 23 km of underground workings and over 43,000 m drilled (cores preserved)
- The deposit remains open along strike and at depth (three step out holes at depth over 1300 m hit structure and were mineralized) over 43 000 m have been drilled.
- Lode Gold will spin out its Canadian assets in the Yukon and New Brunswick into a new company called Gold Orogen to unlock value.
To unlock value for shareholders, Lode Gold (TSXV:LOD) is immediately spinning out its Canadian assets into a new company, Gold Orogen. Shareholders approved this transaction at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on March 10, 2025. Upon approval by the Exchange, a Record Date will be set. After 10 days to complete court filings, the companies will trade as two separate entities. Each Lode Gold shareholder as of the Record Date will receive shares of Gold Orogen through a tax-efficient spin-out.

The new spin-off company, Gold Orogen, is funded with $3 million (raised in October 2024). Lode Gold is raising an additional $1.5 million, ensuring that both of the assets in Yukon and New Brunswick will be drilled in the upcoming 2025 exploration season.
Upon completion of the spin-off, the Companies will be structured as follows:
Lode Gold (Parent- California): Underground Mine Potential (previously mined at 10.7 g/t gold)
The Fremont Gold project is located on the Mother Lode Belt on patented private land in Mariposa County, California, USA. Lode Gold is the first owner since the mining suspension in 1942 to evaluate the project as an underground mining opportunity.

- Fremont: 4 km strike on the Mother Lode Belt
- Private patented land: 3,351 acres, 100 percent owned in Mariposa County (need county approval; five supervisors oversee county*) *County: 17,000 and Town: 2,000 people
- California: 700 permitted mines; 14 gold mines
- 2025 MRE 1.3 Moz of gold at 4.4 g/t Au (previously mined in the 1930s at 10.7 g/t)
- 2025 drilling campaign: Target +400,000 more ounces of gold
- Typical Orogenic Deposit with Structural Controls
- Three Step-Out Holes hit structure and were mineralized (up to 1300 m)
- Two nearby mines were up to 1,800 m deep at 13 g/t
- Brownfield project with 23 km of underground workings and over 43,000 m drilled (cores preserved)
- Only 8% of the 2025 MRE exploited; mostly in the first 250 m; much has been left unmined
- 2023 MRE: 1 Moz (M&I) + 2 Moz (Inf)
- 2023 PEA: Underground mining cost of 63.6 $/t
- 2023 PEA at USD $2,000/oz Au: After-tax NPV (5%) USD $370M, 31% IRR, 11 years LOM
- Close to road, rail, power and water
- Mine suspended in 1942 for the war effort
Gold Orogen (Spin Co. - Yukon and New Brunswick)
Gold Orogen is an exploration pure play with two choice assets. Both assets are located in highly prospective areas and each can potentially be a company maker and a standalone asset.
Asset 1- Yukon:
- 27 km strike, 99.5 km2 in Yukon on the prolific Tombstone Belt (Snowline and Sitka)
- A total of four Reduced Intrusive Targets (RIRGS similar to Snowline)
- Confirmed on WIN:
- Signature host rocks, hornfels and reduced intrusives
Asset 2 - New Brunswick:
- One of the largest land packages in the province at 445 km2
- Similar geological setting to New Found Gold, Galway, Calibre Mining-Equinox Gold and Puma-Kinross
- Confirmed gold endowment – mineralized rhyolites (similar geology as Puma-Kinross)
Management Team
Wendy T. Chan – Chief Executive Officer and Director
Wendy Chan is a director at Moxie Strategy with more than 20 years of experience developing and executing strategic plans for Fortune 500 and entrepreneurial companies with global reach. She has profitably managed businesses with full P&L responsibilities, and has successfully managed cross-functional teams and/or led negotiations in multi-million dollar projects. She has worked on key development initiatives in JVs, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions in Asia, Australia, Africa, North and South America.
Buddy Doyle – Vice-president Exploration
Buddy Doyle has 25 years’ experience in mineral exploration. He worked for Rio Tinto PLC for over 23 years and was recently the exploration vice-president of Kennecott Canada Exploration (owned by Rio Tinto), in charge of diamond exploration in North America. He was a key member of the Kennecott Exploration Australia team that discovered the multi-million ounce Minifie gold deposits at Lihir in 1987-1988, and led the team which discovered the Diavik diamond deposits in 1994-1995. Doyle is recognized by his peers in the exploration industry as an authority on diamond exploration and kimberlite geology, and has authored/co-authored numerous papers on these subjects. He was awarded the 2007 Hugo Dummitt Award for excellence in Diamond exploration. As CEO of Amarillo Gold from 2004 to 2017 he oversaw a near-production gold project in Brazil, and he was founder and a director of Western Potash from 2007-2017, which discovered and developed the now-in-production Milestone Potash Project in Saskatchewan. Doyle is a fellow of AusIMM, a professional association, and brings a disciplined scientific approach to mineral exploration and managerial skills with a proven track record. He holds a BSc in applied geology from the Queensland University of Technology.
Winfield Ding – Chief Financial Officer
Winfield Ding has been CFO and director for a number of public companies in Canada and the US. He is a seasoned senior finance executive with over 20 years of finance and operations experience. He has worked in audit, taxation and advisory across a wide range of industries, with a focus on public issuers financial reporting and advising Asian investors doing business in Canada. Ding has assisted in multiple IPO/RTOs of overseas companies in the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX-V) and is experienced in structuring cross-border complex transactions.