Nimy Resources

Nickel Sulphide Mineralisation Within Gossan Hole At Dease Prospect

Nimy Resources (ASX: NIM) reported nickel sulphide mineralisation within gossan hole at dease prospect.
  • Assays from NRDD005 return nickel (up to 0.48%), copper (up to 0.04%) and cobalt (up to 0.04%) mineralisation down to 40m beneath gossan find, key results include:
    • 6m @ 0.31% Ni (14-20m), including 1m @ 0.48% Ni (16-17m)
    • 4m @ 0.30% Ni (26-30m), including 2m @ 0.37% (27-29m)
    • 226m @ 0.16% Ni contained within the 316m width open at end of hole
  • Nickel sulphide bearing komatiite confirmed to end of hole 316m
  • Subtle and noisy DHEM anomalies have been recorded at 270m and 290m downhole near a zone of pendlandite logged in the hole
  • New DHEM survey with adjusted transmitter loop position planned, as original DHEM survey would not have detected a sub-vertical conductor below the gossan or a NE dipping conductor
  • High resolution MLEM survey using Slingram planned for future MLEM surveying in this area
  • Drill hole planning underway at the Dease gossan which outcrops for over 1.1kms strike length
  • Magnetic 3D inversion modelling of komatiite rocks to be carried out to assist targeting of potential higher grade disseminated nickel sulphide accumulation

Nimy Resources Executive Director Luke Hampson commented::

“The Dease gossan find has emerged as the priority in the next stage of exploration. The combination of gossan outcropping, nickel sulphide mineralisation and EM surveys to further define anomalies present within the current data set augers well in locating significant nickel sulphide accumulation.

The Nimy exploration strategy is targeted at significant high grade nickel massive sulphides and large low grade nickel sulphide deposits. The gossan find is the first indication of zeroing in on the high- grade nickel we believe to be present.

Together with the earlier substantial low- grade results at Godley we are very much on target to establishing a significant Nickel province across our 2564km² holding.”

Click here for the full ASX Release

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