Merck & Company

CEO Interviews
Press Releases
Merck makes pharmaceutical products to treat several conditions in a number of therapeutic areas, including cardiometabolic disease, cancer, and infections. Within cancer, the firm's immuno-oncology platform is growing as a major contributor to overall sales. The company also has a substantial vaccine business, with treatments to prevent hepatitis B and pediatric diseases as well as HPV and shingles. Additionally, Merck sells animal health-related drugs. From a geographical perspective, just under half of the company's sales are generated in the United States.

*Disclaimer: This profile is sponsored by Merck & Company ( NYSE:MRK ). This profile provides information which was sourced by the Investing News Network (INN) and approved by Merck & Company in order to help investors learn more about the company. Merck & Company is a client of INN. The company's campaign fees pay for INN to create and update this profile.

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The information contained here is for information purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of securities. Readers should conduct their own research for all information publicly available concerning the company. Prior to making any investment decision, it is recommended that readers consult directly with Merck & Company and seek advice from a qualified investment advisor.

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