PDAC President: Aboriginal Communities Are Natural Partners with Mineral Industry

Company News

PDAC reported on the World Indigenous Business Forum held in New York.

PDAC reported on the World Indigenous Business Forum held in New York.

As quoted in the press release:

Dr. Jobin-Bevans adds that the mineral industry is the largest private-sector employer of Aboriginal peoples in Canada and that Aboriginal employees comprise 7.5 percent of the country’s total mining labour force – a number that continues to grow.  Furthermore, the average income of Aboriginal people in mining is double that of the national average for Aboriginal income.
“Aboriginal participation in the industry is increasing and taking on a variety of forms,” said Dr. Jobin-Bevans, citing the example of Tli Cho Logistics, which is owned by the Tlicho Nation located in the Northwest Territories near Yellowknife, close to Canada’s first diamond mines.  Tli Cho Logistics was formed through negotiated agreements reached with BHP Billiton’s Ekati diamond mine and Rio Tinto’s Diavik to provide its members with mining-related employment and business opportunities.

PDAC’s President, Dr. Scott Jobin-Bevans said:

 “Aboriginal people and the mineral industry are natural partners,” said Dr. Scott Jobin-Bevans, PDAC president.  “And mining represents one of the few economic opportunities in many parts of Canada that can support business development, jobs, training, education and sustainable economic and community development.”

Click here to read the PDAC press release.

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