Lara Begins Drilling at Tin Project in Brazil

Industrial Metals

Lara Exploration Ltd. (TSXV:LRA) announced its partner Avenue Resources Ltd., (ASX:AVY) has began drilling at the São Lourenço tin project in Brazil.

Lara Exploration Ltd. (TSXV:LRA) announced its partner Avenue Resources Ltd., (ASX:AVY) has began drilling at the São Lourenço tin project in Brazil.

As quoted in the press release:

The program will test targets outlined by the Company on two adjacent hills Irene and Isaac, which are partly exposed granite cupolas, with tin mineralization on the top and flanks comprising sheeted veins, parallel stringers and alteration. Lara has collected a total of 2,241 channel samples from hand-dug surface trenches, of which 1,257 reported values >0.05% tin and 146 reported values >0.5% tin. High-grade values range between 0.73% tin and 7.88% tin, which are derived from vein structures. It is likely that the mineralization is wider spread than currently delineated, because there is vegetation and deep colluvial cover over more than 50% of the occurrences.

Click here to read the Lara Exploration Ltd. (TSXV:LRA) press release.  

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