Shona Energy Company, Inc. Announces Successful Confirmation Well
Shona Energy Company, Inc. (CVE:SHO) through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Geoproduction Oil & Gas Company of Colombia, has completed and tested Nelson-3, Nelson-2, within the Esperanza concession of Colombia.
Shona Energy Company, Inc. (CVE:SHO) through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Geoproduction Oil & Gas Company of Colombia, has completed and tested Nelson-3, Nelson-2, within the Esperanza concession of Colombia.
The press release is quoted as saying:
Nelson-3 has an estimated 120 feet of net pay in the main Cienaga de Oro formation and 21 feet of net pay in a deeper Cienaga de Oro sand. A total of 94 net feet in the main Cienaga de Oro formation was perforated and tested at a rate of 11,600 MCFPD with 2573 psi flowing tubing pressure on a 28/64″ choke. The Nelson-3 is a southwest offset to the Nelson-2 discovery well, and its results confirm Shona’s geological interpretation of the sizeable Nelson natural gas discovery. The drilling rig is being moved to Nelson-4, which is a northeast offset to the Nelson-2, and would be the third producing well in the Nelson field upon its completion.
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