Castillian Nickel Spin Out Starts Diamond Drill Program

Base Metals Investing

Castillian Resources Corp. (CVE:CT) reports that Kibaran Nickel Limited (ASX:KNL) has started a 3,000 meter drill program.

Castillian Resources Corp. (TSXV:CT) reports that Kibaran Nickel Limited (ASX:KNL) has started a 3,000 meter drill program.

The market news is quoted as saying,

The Kagera Nickel Project is located in western Tanzania. The key tenements are located approximately 10 kilometres northeast of Xstrata Nickel and Barrick Golds’ Kabanga Nickel Deposit, one of the world’s largest undeveloped high grade nickel sulphide deposit, which is currently undergoing feasibility studies. Total measured and indicated resources at Kabanga are reported at 37.4 million tonnes grading 2.59% nickel with an additional 16 million tonnes of inferred resources at 2.9% nickel.

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