AQM Announces the Discovery of the New Victoria Porphyry System at its Zafranal Joint Venture

Base Metals Investing

AQM Copper Inc. (TSE:AQM) reported the discovery of a new copper porphyry east of the Zafranal Main Zone resource area.

AQM Copper Inc. (TSX:AQM) reported the discovery of a new copper porphyry east of the Zafranal Main Zone resource area.

The press release is quoted as saying:

The “Victoria” zone was originally interpreted to represent the eastern supergene tail of the East-West striking Zafranal Main Zone. Initial drilling focused on those areas with presence of weak phyllic alteration on surface. Subsequent step-out drilling to the north has since confirmed the presence of significant hypogene copper mineralization to depths exceeding 300 metres below surface and over a 300 metre strike length. These thicknesses had not been observed on the easternmost part of the Main Zone resource area and are now interpreted to represent a different porphyry system, separated from the Zafranal Main Zone by a 150 metre wide gap.

AQM Copper’s President and CEO, Bruce Turner, said,

“we are very pleased with the results obtained from this new porphyry target at Zafranal. The results indicate that this may be a significant new discovery, and our exploration efforts are now focused on growing this new zone further.”

Click here to access the entire press release

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