CB Gold Inc. Provides A Summary of Exploration Results from September 2009 to Date

Gold Investing

CB Gold Inc. (CVE:CBJ) provides a summary of its exploration results and analysis to date at its Vetas Gold Project, District of Santander, Colombia.

CB Gold Inc. (TSXV:CBJ) provides a summary of its exploration results and analysis to date at its Vetas Gold Project, District of Santander, Colombia.

The press release is quoted as saying:

CB Gold has collected over 1700 samples to date, including surface samples and samples from the 6,000m of existing underground workings to which CB Gold has access. These samples include channel and chip channel in veins and panel in stockworks. Geochemical results have been up to 667g/t Au and 3,090g/t Ag.

Click here to access the entire press release

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