Happy Creek Provides an Exploration Update

Long Tail

Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:HPY) announced that it has brought a second drill to the Rateria property.

Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. (TSXV:HPY)  announced that it has brought a second drill to the Rateria property.

As quoted in the press release:

The Company has a 100% interest in approximately 145 square kilometres of mineral claims that adjoin Teck’s Highland Valley Copper (HVC) mine property, Canada’s largest copper producer, located in south central British Columbia (B.C.). Over 1.8 billion tonnes of resources in five deposits have been discovered in the Highland Valley district. HVC is currently mining material with an average grade of around 0.26% copper. Happy Creek has discovered Zone 1 and Zone 2 on the Rateria property, located approximately 6.5 kilometres southeast of Teck’s Highmont mine.

 Happy Creek Minerals President &  CEO,  David Blann stated:

“Zone 1 changes from dominantly chalcocite copper mineralization near surface to a more typical bornite-chalcopyrite copper porphyry system at around 200 metres depth and we have not found the end of mineralization at 440 metres below surface.” “In addition, there is more confidence that the extension to Zone 1 occurs a few hundred metres further south where previous shallow drilling results are similar to the upper levels of Zone 1 and suggest proximity to a very large porphyry system. With a 100% interest, it is exciting to test a new target because we have the right geology and proof new deposits exist. There is an excellent opportunity to discover more, and potentially a giant for which Highland Valley is known”.

Click here to read the Happy Creek Minerals (TSXV:HPY) press release.

Click here to view  the Happy Creek Minerals (TSXV:HPY) profile.


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