Uranium Participation Corporation Reports Financial Results for the Year

Company News

Uranium Participation Corporation  reports results for the year ended February 28, 2010.
The Company recorded negative revenue for the year as a result of unrealized losses on its uranium investment due to the decline in the spot price of uranium during the year.
Revenue for the year was negative $142.2 million (2009 – $127.0 million negative) consisting […]

Uranium Participation Corporation  reports results for the year ended February 28, 2010.

The Company recorded negative revenue for the year as a result of unrealized losses on its uranium investment due to the decline in the spot price of uranium during the year.

Revenue for the year was negative $142.2 million (2009 – $127.0 million negative) consisting of $145.4 million in unrealized losses in the value of the Company’s uranium investments (2009 – $131.8 million unrealized loss), $3.1 million (2009 – $4.6 million) in income from investment lending and $0.1 million (2009 – $0.2 million) in interest earned on invested cash.

For complete news release, click here.

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