Petrominerales Provides Exploration and Operations Update

Resource Investing News

Petrominerales Ltd. (TSE:PMG) provided the exploration and operations update on its activities in Columbia and Peru.

Petrominerales Ltd. (TSX:PMG) provided the exploration and operations update on its activities in Columbia and Peru.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Production averaged 39,323 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) during the month of August. Production was impacted by certain wells being off-line for workovers, including Cobra-1 for 12 days, Candelilla-5 for 16 days and our Candelilla-3 side-track well coming back on production August 8th at rates lower than expected. Following the restart of operations after the recently announced blockades around the Corcel and Guatiquia Blocks, we have recovered over 95 percent of our shut-in production. We had one pump failure on our Candelilla-4 well that is currently being replaced. We expect to recover the remainder of the production over the next week.

Click here to access the entire press release

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