NCT to Apply for Extended Production Test Authority for Flami-1 Discovery

Oil and Gas Investing

Oil and Gas Journal reported that NCT Energy Group CA Colombia plans to apply for extended production test authority for the Flami-1 discovery well.

Oil and Gas Journal reported that NCT Energy Group CA Colombia plans to apply for extended production test authority for the Flami-1 discovery well.

As quoted in the market news:

Phase 1 tests of the Une formation, perforated at 9,086-9,100 ft, involved producing out the drilling control fluids and cleaning the wellbore. Over a 60-hr period the well produced 1,514 b/d of 15.5° gravity oil with 13% average water cut. Recovery totaled 3,786 bbl of oil in 60 hr.

Click here to read the full Oil and Gas Journal report.

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