Western Areas NL-Letter to Shareholders: Official Opening of the Tim King Open Pit and Stage Two Nickel Concentrate Plant

Base Metals Investing

Western Areas announced that the official opening of the Tim King Open Pit mine and the Stage Two expansion of the Cosmic Boy nickel concentrator will take place at Forrestania today.

Western Areas announced that the official opening of the Tim King Open Pit mine and the Stage Two expansion of the Cosmic Boy nickel concentrator will take place at Forrestania today.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Western Areas’ exploration projects which extend over 500km in Western Australia have potential for many more nickel deposits of the quality of Flying Fox and Spotted Quoll. Drilling is in progress testing high quality targets at New Morning, below Spotted Quoll and at Sibelius. Results from at least one of these targets are expected to be announced soon.

Click here to access the entire press release

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