Magna Resources Announces Closure of Final Public Notice Period on Green River Potash Project

Potash Investing

Magna Resources Ltd. (CNSX:MNA) announced that the final 30 day public notice period for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management of the Environmental Assessment conducted for their Green River Potash Project has closed.

Magna Resources Ltd. (CNSX:MNA) announced that the final 30 day public notice period for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management of the Environmental Assessment conducted for their Green River Potash Project has closed.

As quoted in the press release:

This represents the final stage of the Company’s Prospecting Permits Application process with a successful conclusion arriving at a ‘Finding of No Significant Impact ‘decision on the Company’s proposed action.  Following a FONSI determination, the Company would expect the timely issuance of Federal Prospecting Permits by the BLM.

To view the whole press release, click here.

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