
Global Cobalt Corp.


Powered by Cobalt

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Global Cobalt Corp. – Powered by Cobalt


Global Cobalt Corporation (TSXV:GCO) is a publicly traded Canadian resource company that was founded in 2007 (previously Puget Ventures Inc.) to take advantage of the global transformation that is occurring in the strategic metals sector of the mining industry.

Through a combination of acquisitions and internally developed businesses, Global Cobalt exploits market opportunities as they emerge in various sectors of the strategic metals sector with emphasis on those metals used in the rechargeable battery space.

Global Cobalt’s strategy is to combine deep industry expertise with stringent business discipline and analytics to become a leader in the cobalt and strategic metals sector. We have spent the last several years assessing opportunities in the cobalt space and at the same time have built not only a vast wealth of knowledge in the sector but have also generated strategic relationships so that we can supply cobalt from our global portfolio of projects in the near future.

Global Cobalt is uniquely positioned to benefit from the increasing demand brought on by the electric vehicle race along with the proliferation of mobile devices, tablets and laptops in which cobalt is a major component in the battery technology. With a Chinese advanced technical and economic study underway to capitalize on cross-border investment potential, further exploration, metallurgical and development work planned, an off-take deal in place with China’s largest battery supplier and a surge in demand for strategic metals including cobalt, Global Cobalt finds itself an integral piece of a large global resource shift.

Global Cobalt is “Powered by Cobalt.”

Investment Highlights

Global Cobalt is establishing the company as an aggregator of advanced-stage cobalt deposits with established resources.  We plan to grow our business by maximizing growth and profitability to create value for our shareholders and partners.

  • Vision: Achieve Growth as a Leading Strategic Metals Group and Enhance Overall Value for Shareholders!
  • Strategy: Balanced and Flexible Combination of Enhancing Existing Assets, Organic Growth and Strategic Acquisitions!
  • Partnerships: Continue to Build a Significant Enterprise in Cooperation with Influential and Strong Partners!
  • Assets: Develop Existing Resources and Expand Asset Portfolio & Footprint in the Natural Resources Sector, Regionally and Worldwide!
  • Leadership: Engaged to the Central Vision of Advancing the Portfolio of Quality Assets to Ensure Corporate Growth & Valuation!

Key Properties

Global Cobalt Corp. is combining deep industry experience with stringent business discipline and analytics to become a leader in the cobalt and strategic metals sector. Global Cobalt has spent the last several years assessing opportunities in the cobalt space and at the same time have built not only a vast wealth of knowledge in the sector but have also generated strategic relationships so that we can supply cobalt from our global portfolio of projects in the near future.

Since 2007, Global Cobalt has reviewed more than 100 potential investment opportunities and conducted intensive due diligence on dozens of business plans for acquisition or internal incubation. To date, Global Cobalt controls a 100% ownership in Werner Lake, a past producing Canadian cobalt project and has the option to acquire the Karakul Cobalt Project, a polymetallic primary-cobalt project in Altai, Russia that has the potential of becoming the largest known cobalt deposit outside of Africa.

The Karakul option agreement was a milestone accomplishment in positioning Global Cobalt as the first foreign invested mining company to explore and develop the mineral rich Altai Region of southern Siberia, Russia. With a solid pipeline of additional assets in the Altai region, the focus is to develop a new mining jurisdiction. These world-class strategic mineral assets are in a region surrounded by similarly endowed mineral resources, supporting the outlook for enormous growth potential of the company.

Each of these assets contributes to the future of Global Cobalt’s primary objective in establishing the company as an aggregator of advanced-stage cobalt deposits with established resources and moves us in the right direction of becoming the leader in the strategic metals sector as a source for cobalt.

Karakul Cobalt Deposit – Russia

Global Cobalt recognizes the market opportunity and attractiveness of having an interest in a country that is developing into a worldwide power centre in the mining industry. The Company is actively involved in the advancement of current assets held in Russia as well as creating business opportunities and long term relationships in the communities it conducts operations.

Global Cobalt’s flagship asset is the Karakul Cobalt Project in the Republic of Altai, Russia. Significant undertakings have been made on this deposit over the past few decades with the potential of it being the largest known primary cobalt asset outside of Africa.

The Karakul Cobalt Project is key to the positioning of Global Cobalt as a near-term cobalt supplier of choice for investors, strategic partners and in building shareholder value.

The Karakul Exploration Project is located in the far southeast of the Altai Republic, part of the Russian Federation. Karakul lies about five kilometres from the border with Mongolia, in an area that is considered to have high mineral potential. Access to the project is first by air to Gorno-Altai and then by road to Kosh-Agach, a total distance of approximately 550 kilometre. The road is paved and in good condition. Approximately 32 kilometre south east of the village of Kosh Agach is the turn off to the site with the final 50 kilometre to site undertaken via a dirt track.

The Karakul deposit is a hydrothermal polymetallic sulphide deposit with elevated content of cobalt, copper, tungsten, bismuth and silver. At least five parallel north-south trending, structurally controlled sulphide zones are delineated by historical exploration works, including the Western, Eastern, Southwestern, Northeastern, and Malachite zones. There has been over 32,700 m of core drilling, 15,000 m of trenching and 3,069 m of underground development work completed at Karakul since discovery, dominantly on the Western and Eastern zones.

The Western Zone is the advanced target, particularly in its central portion where an adit exists at an elevation of 2576.6 masl. Drifts and cross cuts exist at the same elevation. Mineralisation has been intersected in the drift and in several cross-cuts in addition to a numerous surface and underground boreholes. Mineralisation is open at depth. The Western Zone is represented by series of contiguous sub-parallel zones of crushing, intensive fracturing and hydrothermal-metasomatic altered rock. These zones also host mineralised bodies. There are 9 mineralised bodies within the Western Zone. These bodies have been delineated by geological mapping and by using assay results from drill holes and underground channel samples. A number of small apophyses not traced along strike have also been identified in addition to the main mineralised bodies.

Three styles of mineralisation have been defined within the Western Zone – massive, veinlet and disseminated, with a mutual transition from one type to another, both along strike and down dip. Massive mineralisation is composed of a solid mass of sulphide minerals with the inclusion of wall rock fragments. It can extend for up to 140 metre along strike and 160 metre down dip. Veinlet mineralisation generally surrounds the massive style and is represented by numerous veins and veinlets. The thickness of veinlets ranges from a few millimetres to 10-15 centimetre with swells reaching a few metres in size. The thickness of veinlet mineralisation varies from 1-2 metres to 5-10 metres, with strike extensions up to 400 metres. Disseminated mineralisation forms a halo around massive and veinlet mineralisation; the thickness of this type of mineralisation is from tens of centimetres to a several metres and is delineated based on assay results.


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