Dunnedin Ventures Report Notch Kimberlite Processing is Forty Percent Complete

Diamond Investing

Dunnedin Ventures Inc. (TSXV:DVI) reports approximately 40 percent of the 2.4 tonne Notch kimberlite sample collected during the 2015 field program has now been processed.

Dunnedin Ventures Inc. (TSXV:DVI) reports approximately 40 percent of the 2.4 tonne Notch kimberlite sample collected during the 2015 field program has now been processed. To date, 278 diamonds (+0.425 mm) including 36 commercial-sized stones (+0.85 mm) have been recovered.
As quoted in the press release:

Over 22 tonnes of kimberlite from Notch were historically processed for diamond recovery.  Commercial-sized diamond counts (+0.85 mm) are higher in the current sample than expected from historical reports, however the current sample size is insufficient to characterize the body as a whole, and preliminary results from Notch do not constitute either a deposit grade or a completed sample grade.

The Notch sample was treated through an autogenous mill-fusion circuit located at CF Mineral Research Ltd. of Kelowna, British Columbia, using a lower size cut-off of 0.425 mm.  Unlike standard DMS recovery methods, the circuit can recover nearly all diamonds present in a kimberlite to the predetermined cut-off size, along with associated indicator minerals.

Dunnedin Ventures CEO, Chris Taylor, stated:

Early results from Notch confirm an attractive diamond population with most stones being clear and colourless variants of octahedra. While we look forward to finishing this sample, we have requested that the lab immediately process till samples collected in 2015.  We will then compare indicator mineral chemistry from tills with both PST and Notch to guide our upcoming work.  The remaining 1.4 tonnes of Notch kimberlite, plus additional kimberlite from PST and other targets will be processed after completion of the till samples.

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