Freegold to Commence Drilling at Golden Summit Gold Project

Precious Metals

Freegold Ventures Limited (TSX: FVL, Frankfurt: FR4N) (“Freegold) is pleased to announce that drilling will commence this week on the Golden Summit Project. The 2017 Phase 1 oxide expansion program is designed to potentially increase the current oxide gold resource. Drilling during Phase One will be focused to the north of the current mineral resource …

Freegold Ventures Limited (TSX: FVL, Frankfurt: FR4N) (“Freegold) is pleased to announce that drilling will commence this week on the Golden Summit Project. The 2017 Phase 1 oxide expansion program is designed to potentially increase the current oxide gold resource. Drilling during Phase One will be focused to the north of the current mineral resource where previously completed RAB (rotary air blast drilling) has identified the potential for higher- grade material.  20 – 25 holes with an average hole depth of 80 metres are currently planned.
As quoted in the press release:

Both the drilling to potentially expand the oxide resource and the metallurgical program underway are aimed at improving the overall project economics. In particular, further oxidation treatment on all identifiable sulphide materials as well as ultra fine grind testwork is being undertaken in an effort to explore grind size vs recovery relationships. In addition to the expansion of the oxide resource upgrading of the inferred mineral resource to the measured and indicated category will also be necessary in order to further advance the project through to pre-feasibility.

Click here for the full text release

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