Cancer Drug Shows Signs of Preventing Alzheimer's Symptoms
Science Alert reported that an FDA-approved anti-cancer drug has shown potential is slowing the first stages of Alzheimer’s disease, which has researchers looking at developing a treatment that could be taken as a preventative measure prior to the onset of symptoms.
Science Alert reported that an FDA-approved anti-cancer drug has shown potential is slowing the first stages of Alzheimer’s disease, which has researchers looking at developing a treatment that could be taken as a preventative measure prior to the onset of symptoms.
According to the article:
A team from the University of Cambridge in the UK worked with genetically modified worms that were engineered to develop Alzheimer’s disease. At various stages of the disease, the worms were given the cancer drug, bexarotene, which has seen mixed results in treating Alzheimer’s in the past.
Michele Vendruscolo, one of the team commented:
We showed that these worms that were doomed to develop Alzheimer’s disease could be rescued.